The image on the TV screen pans from person to person. The faces of Chuckles, Dialtone, Sneak Peek, Outback, Jinx, Blackout, Bombstrike, Barrel Roll, Grandslam, and Firewall fill the screen larger than life as the President introduces each member. Falcon's vision sways.
"Woah." GP catches the old Joe and lowers him to the ground. Immediately, the entire team is on their feet, rushing toward their leader.
"Back off. Give him some room." Bulleit's arm waves people back. She leans down next to him, "Sir? Sir, can you hear me?"
With a shake of his head, eyes still glued to the TV, "Back off." Falcon puts his hand on the ground and pushes himself up.
"Sir, you really should stay sitting down."
"I said, back off!" His tone is more than anger it's hurt. And still something deeper. He can't take his eyes off the TV, speaking to no one in particular, "I know them. I served with them. Hell, Chuckles, Jinx, and I trained together as Rawhides." his voice hardens, "This can't be right. Mindbender must have done something to them. They'd never join Cobra."
He turns and walks out without saying another word. The team moves out of his way. Scrounge is the first to speak, "So, how is that guy still the President? Shouldn't we have had like one or two elections by now?"
"It's hard to have elections when zombies are devouring people." Hook shrugs, "My guess is he made it some bunker, and since he's just maintained power."
"Till now, at least." Wrench Bender says, nodding at the TV, which is now filled with the masked face of Cobra Commander. The conversation grows, with each member coming up with scenarios, conspiracies, or arguing. The sounds rise to near shouting. Finally, "What're we going to do?" Drifter exclaims to the group.
"I'll tell you what we're going to do." The team turns to see Falcon in the doorway, face hardened, anger knit across his brow, determination in his eye, "We're going to war."