Sneak Peek:
"Sneak Peek. What can be said about Sneak Peek? Not much. Most of the work he's done is still classified. I can tell you this when he first was assigned to the Joe team he was the brunt of quite a few jokes. He arrived for a mission briefing a little on the heavy side. His uniform for some reason was grey and red. The other guys on the team couldn't wrap their heads around how this portly nerdy-looking guy had garnered the reputation he had. They thought it had to be a joke. Shipwreck damn near fell over laughing. Well, after his first assignment the guys thought better.
A team was sent out to take down a suspected Cobra Nest in Eastern Europe. Seems this particular Nest was thought to be in possession of several small nuclear weapons obtained from the former Soviet Union. The Joes went in in the dead of night in two Blackhawks. Upon landing they met no resistance. It was clear that Cobra had been there and something had happened fast. But they didn't know what. Viper helmets and rifles littered each room. There were still smoldering cigarettes lying in ashtrays. Yet there were no signs of a firefight, not a single shell casing or bullet hole. The team finally reached the last door and could hear sounds, they took the room. It was the rec room. What they heard was the TV blasting an episode of Benny Hill. What sent shivers down their spines though was the note pinned to the chest of one of the Vipers. Oh, they were all there stripped down to their skivvies, tied up and gagged. The note said, "Check the choppa."
They high-tailed it back to find Sneak Peek sitting in the Blackhawk with Lift Ticket. SP was 20 pounds lighter. His uniform had been adapted to look like the local military, whose uniform is grey with red accents. He was quietly smoking a cigarette. As it turned out he had been at the location for several weeks, going from out-building to out-building. He had even been able to infiltrate the main structure by posing as a crooked military sergeant. The information he gathered led to multiple missions by the Joes and other government organizations. When asked why he didn't wait for the team to engage the enemy his reply was, "I had time to kill." He was neither reprimanded nor debriefed as far as the Joes know. He was just sent back out in the field. After that, no one said shit about what he wore to briefings. He became a legend. SP is good. Real good.
Why didn't he just bring an enemy uniform with him? I asked him that once. He said he liked to sew. It helped pass the time. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not and I wasn't about to ask. Whatever the reason, no one seems to care, he gets the job done."