Throttle made her living navigating the expansive highways of North America behind the wheel of big rigs. As a woman in a male-dominated industry, she faced constant harassment and hardship. She was a pretty woman in the world of big burly men, and they were not kind to her. She learned quickly to maneuver the long stretches of the open roads of North America, and to endure the challenges of the truck stops along the way. When chaos descended upon the world, she boldly decided to head toward the desert.
It was in this harsh and unforgiving landscape that Falcon discovered her. He found her rig had been transformed into a fortified sanctuary, providing protection from the dangers lurking outside. From a distance, Throttle had him in her sights, ready to make sure he understood his options before he could pose a threat.
Throttle works incredibly well with GP, and the trio is often the first to volunteer for reconnaissance missions. She also shares a unique bond with "The Bug," BumbleBee, mysterious a sentient robot being of unknown origin that can transform from an off-road VW Beetle to a towering 20-foot tall robot in the blink of an eye.
The new figure

The old figure