Hook was a private helicopter pilot making a comfortable living for himself and his family. He and his high school sweetheart married after they had both graduated college; he from BU (Boston University), and she from BC (Boston College). They had three children; two kind-hearted twin teenage daughters and a 9-year-old son. They lived in the suburbs in a two-story Colonial-style home. He drove a BMW X5, and his wife drove a BMW 5 Series.
At work, he was his own boss. While he had earned a Business Degree, his passion had always been flying. He worked towards his fixed-wing pilot's license as soon as he was old enough. He then immediately worked to get his rotary-wing aircraft license. He loved the agility of helicopters even more than planes. He put his degree and what his wife called his "very expensive hobby" to work and started a private helicopter company. He piloted the rich and famous in a fully loaded Bell 230. He employed a half dozen other pilots, and there was no shortage of clientele.
Then the world went to hell.
In an instant, he lost everything and everyone important to him. His wife had tried to get him to stay home, and he went and flew some rich prick to the Hamptons. By the time he had made it home, all hell had broken loose. His wife's car was missing, the front door was open, and the house was in total disarray. He found a note from his wife saying that she had taken the kids to their cabin upstate. He went to the large safe bolted to the floor of his master bedroom walk-in closet. Inside, he took out several stacks of cash, some silver and gold coins, and a Glock 19, and left to meet his family at the cabin. It took him days to make it there. There was no sign of his family.
He made his way to the one place he could think of, the local airfield. He had flown his family into the small airstrip regularly. There, he attempted to procure an aircraft. Why? He didn't know. That's where he ran into Wrench Bender, a mechanic with whom he'd always been friendly. They stayed in the now abandoned main concourse, little more than a small metal shack with seats for passengers to wait for their pilots to bring them out to awaiting small planes of helos. The two came up with a plan to fly from one small airport to the next. The Bell LongRanger 206 they stocked lifted off the ground, just as a growing horde, attracted by the sounds of the big rotors, pushed down the fence and advanced.
Now, Hook switches between flying a Little Bird providing air support for the Joes, and a Tomahawk helicopter, which he uses to transport other members, gear, supplies, and even vehicles to wherever they are needed.

_____________________ Here's the original. I changed the lower left arm for a Marauder robot arm and gave him a rifle with a sling.