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Aug 30, 2024
In Monster Hunters
Ghostbusters content media
Aug 23, 2024
In Red Shadows
Baron Ironblood content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
Bipin holds the position of third in command within Spirit's leadership, while Dart is second in command. The trio is responsible for coordinating and guiding the rebel forces in the lawless Badlands. They have achieved a remarkable feat by uniting the largest assembly of Native Tribes in contemporary history. Leveraging the rise of the undead, they have garnered substantial support for their cause and effectively established control over the majority of the vast region referred to as the Badlands in South Dakota. This area has been abandoned by the former United States government and military. Now, all that remains are the indigenous peoples and the undead.
Bipin content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Heroes
After an illustrious tenure with covert action teams including Team Zero and Team 7, Marc "Backlash" Slayton went into hiding emerging as the enigmatic masked vigilante we know today. He continued to use his call sign "Backlash" during his exploits. Establishing WildCore, he harnessed his formidable skills to target corrupt leaders and ruthless criminals. His training focused heavily on close-quarters combat, covert operations, and wet work. His preferred method of killing is either with a blade or an electronically charged whip, he executed his missions with precision and lethal intent.
Backlash content media
Aug 20, 2024
In G.I. Joe
Alpine became a valuable member of the G.I. Joe Team after serving in the 10th Mountain Division. His rigorous training equipped hi to excel in harsh terrains, excluding underwater environments. With specialized expertise in mountain deployments and cold weather operations, Alpine seamlessly integrates with the Joe Team's Cold Weather Operations Group. In addition to thriving in cold conditions, he also imparts his knowledge on operating at higher elevations, providing invaluable guidance to his team members.
Alpine content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
While on holiday from Ireland and visiting the United States, Maebh* found herself stuck in the midst of a global crisis. Airports were shut down in an attempt to avoid spreading the plague. The Irish Consulate was abandoned as dignitaries took military flights back to the Emerald Isle. Stranded in a foreign land, she quickly recognized the need to rely on her resourcefulness and resilience. Embodying the spirit of the legendary warrior queen of Connacht, Maebh embarked on a journey across the country, traversing various towns in search of essential supplies while also offering aid to those in need. *Maebh - pronounced Mave
Maebh content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Heroes
Ladytron, a formidable former member of the WILDC.A.T.S., was notorious for employing extreme methods to subdue suspects and extract information. When the devastating zombie apocalypse unfolded, she made the decision to leave the team and set out and embark on a solitary journey to secure her survival. Her final stronghold was strategically situated in the barren, unforgiving wastelands. One fateful day, she was roused from slumber by violent tremors, igniting fears of an impending onslaught or seismic upheaval. She'd never admit it, but she was relieved when she discovered it was neither. It didn't require much persuasion to entice her to leave her nomadic existence and join the group.
Ladytron content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
In the early stages of her career as a vigilante, Kim Possible attracted the attention of the G.I.Joe team, who maintained a vigilant eye on her and closely monitored her activities as she honed her skills. Over time, they managed to track her down and secretly extended an invitation for her to join the Joe team, "off the books." Kim agreed to join on the condition that her own team could accompany her. Her team found themselves collaborating with some of the most exceptional Operators and Infiltrators around the globe. Kim's skills, as well as those of the team, grew as time passed. However, when the zombie apocalypse hit, her team was overwhelmed. For the first time in her life, Kim found herself truly alone in the world. After briefly wandering the desolate wastes, she joined an enclave of survivors and navigated the perilous existence of living while being hunted by the undead. The day the convoy approached their small walled-in community, she made the decision to leave with them, regardless of where they were headed.
Kim Possible content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
He often reminisces about "the good ol' days" and can be quite ruthless when dealing with adversaries. Some have observed signs of psychopathic or sociopathic behavior in him, and there are rumors that he may have had previous experience in the military or some clandestine government agency. His generally grumpy demeanor changes when children are present, as he adopts the role of wise, old caring but gruff grandfather. Despite his harsh exterior, he has a history of protecting children by eliminating both undead and living threats.
Gramps content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
In the desolate wastelands, small communities of resilient individuals persevere, navigating through some of the most unforgiving environments on the planet while evading the ever-lurking threat of ravenous undead. Among these survivors is Riley, who has braved the challenges of the wastelands for almost a decade. His intimate knowledge of secure sanctuaries and perilous territories has been honed through solitary journeys, where each day is a struggle for survival.
Riley content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
Staplehurst proudly adopted the name of his quaint hometown in Nebraska. Following his service in the 75th Ranger Regiment where he received extensive training through various other government agencies, he transitioned to working for a Private Military Contractor. His experiences in combat zones equipped him with the ideal skill-set to navigate and endure the challenges of an undead apocalypse.
Staplehurst content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
Solomon remains a captivating figure cloaked in mystery, with scant details about his real persona. There are even speculations suggesting that he might not be of this world. Nevertheless, one fact remains indisputable: Solomon possesses unparalleled expertise in combating the undead. Whether he's wielding firearms, blades, pipes, chains, or any improvised tools at his disposal, he exhibits a remarkable proficiency in dispatching zombies that surpasses that of most other individuals.
Solomon content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
Growing up in the rolling countryside of rural Tennessee, The Marksman spent countless hours sharpening his shooting prowess. He honed his skills by stealthily stalking and hunting various small game such as squirrels, raccoons, possums, rabbits, and any other elusive critter that crossed his sights. Every missed shot meant a lost opportunity for a meal, reinforcing the deep-seated understanding that hunger serves as the most powerful motivator. As the zombie onslaught began, he recognized that hunger was the driving force behind the undead. Realizing that he was no longer at the top of the food chain, he swiftly seized his trusty rifle and sought sanctuary in the wilderness. There he adeptly sustained himself on the fruits of his trapping and hunting endeavors. Upon his return to civilization, he was met with a world besieged by chaos. Realizing the inherent value of his skills, he shrewdly leveraged them to his advantage, aligning himself with those willing to compensate him for his expertise. Currently, he finds himself traveling alongside an unlikely cohort comprising ZomPoc hardened survivors, former military personnel, and enigmatic alien robots.
The Marksman content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
Wayne, a man of simple means, doesn't rely on flashy code-names or elaborate backstories. He navigates through life by adapting and learning along the way. His home was situated at the furthest reaches of the western border, marking the division between the Badlands under the jurisdiction of the New United Tribal Nation and the territory of Cobra.
Wayne content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
Violet is a seasoned survivor who navigated the harsh terrain along the border of the desolate Badlands and the unforgiving Wasteland. She traversed this dangerous territory, moving from one survival enclave to the next. Possessing a fierce determination, Violet is unyielding in her defiance of both the living and the undead, demonstrating a persistent will to survive in the face of relentless adversity.
Violet content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Everyone Else
"Desert Rose had been spotted navigating the desolate wastelands alongside Big Brawler, a former member of the G.I. Joe Team. Her reputation precedes her as an expert marksman who remains composed in the face of danger, even when under attack by the undead. Her enigmatic nature extends to her past, as there are no records of references to her in any of our files or those of our allies."
Desert Rose content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Red Shadows
Red Dragon. the Red Shadows Jumpmaster is an imposing individual tasked with the rigorous training of all Red Shadows paratroopers. Known for his toughness and brutal methods, he subjects trainees to a grueling training process, including a harrowing forced cigarette roll. This test is never announced and never predictable, adding to the intense nature of the training. Those who survive this demanding process become part of an elite group of troopers feared worldwide.
Red Dragon content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Red Shadows
Red Laser became a member of the Red Shadows after being a member of a Japanese terrorist group. He decided to leave when he felt that his advanced technological skills were not valued by the low-tech organization. Surprisingly, the Red Shadows recognized his expertise and welcomed him, granting him access to cutting-edge technology he had only previously dreamt of.
Red Laser content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Red Shadows
The Red Shadows, akin to England's own Cobra, exercised absolute control over the criminal underworld in Britain. However, with the rise of the undead, many members of the Red Shadows found themselves facing a threat never seen before. The once second-in-command, known as the Black Major, now wanders the land as the Red Major. Despite the eerie transformation, he remarkably retains fragments of his memories and some level of control. Now, he leads a relentless horde across the British Isles that overruns all settlements that it comes upon. Leaving behind nothing but gnawed bones and bloodstains.
Red Major content media
Aug 20, 2024
In Red Shadows
The Red Shadows pose a significant danger to our safety. Among the most formidable adversaries within the group is Red Terror, a menacing heavy machine gunner who takes perverse pleasure in causing chaos and carnage. He earned his moniker from the terror-striken expressions of those who witness his entry into battle, despite his own lack of fear.
Red Terror content media


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