Time: 1700 Location: Bad Lands, South Dakota
: Breaking News :
We're coming to you live from 17 miles southwest of Mt Rushmore here on Highway 17. Behind me, you can see the National Guard roadblock. Just a mile or so away from where we are standing. The National Guard is engaged, in an armed clash with a "War Party" of the Oglala Sioux Nation. This once serene national monument to the great Sioux leader Crazy Horse has been transformed into a nightmare landscape of smoke and fire.
For those of you who are just tuning in, 2 days ago, the Crazy Horse National Monument was destroyed in an incident the FBI has labeled an act of domestic terrorism. As of yet, no organization has claimed responsibility. However, the scene has nonetheless turned violent in the last 24 hours.
The federal government sent in a coalition of representatives from various agencies to quell the fear of the local tribal leaders. The destruction of the monument seems to be an attempt to strike fear into the hearts of Native Americans nationwide as Senator Charlie Whitehorse begins his underdog campaign for the White House.
What's transpired in the last day can only be described as anarchy. The last transmission of our affiliate here came as a group of Native Americans took the lives of several Federal Agents.
--24 Hours earlier--
Time 0900. Location, South Dakota.
Inside this nondescript building, the din of displeasure and anger fills the air. What is drawing such ire from the Sioux Nation?
"You say your bogeyman, the 'terrorist,' is responsible for the destruction of Crazy Horse, yet you come here in force and question our people!?"
"We understand your concern, and that is why we are here today. To listen to you and take your concerns to our superiors in Washington."
"Your superiors in Washington! This happened not 24 hours ago, and you have completely surrounded the area. Our people can not leave the area. Our women and children are surrounded by armed men and snarling dogs. Do you want us to believe you are here for our best interests? You are the same people who couldn't bring water to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. You who couldn't help those who lived through the Gulf oil spill. You have never been able to organize any kind of assistance for those in need after a disaster in less than a week yet, here you are 24 hours after a 'terrorist' attack en force. What do you take us for? Fools?!"
"Again, we are here to help you. As to our quick response, we have learned from our failures, and again, we are here to help you."
In the back of the packed hall stand two ever vigilant sentries. Their quick eyes take in each and every person in attendance. They watch each persons' reactions; a shifting here, a heavy sigh there, ever-present overall is a feeling of tension, anger, distrust. Overall, the two believe that those they were sent to watch are telling the truth. It's those who they were sent to work with that is being deceitful.
"You tell your superiors in Washington that we will not sit by as you try to destroy us once more. You will not succeed. We will tell the world the truth about your 'terrorist attack.' We will show them the footage of agents of the United States setting explosives around our sacred ground."
"Sir, again, you are misled. The footage you have shared with us shows nothing more than suspects in deep shadow. There is, as of yet, no way to identify those seen in the security camera footage. Rest assured that we have our best analysts."
"Analysts! You mean fabricators!"
"Sir, again, our best people are here to help you all. We have secured the area to ensure that no terrorists escape. The President…"
"Your President!"
With the outburst, all decorum is lost. The room is alive with the screaming voices of those who know when they are being lied to. The liars stay seated, remaining composed for the cameras. The American people will see only what Uncle Sam wants them to see. Right now, that means hard-working Government Agents trying to deal with conspiracy theorists. The American people will see how unwilling these people were and how they left the Agents no choice. The group of Government representatives gathers their belongings and makes their way out of the room of hostile citizens.
"Not so fast." As they try to leave through a side door, several men step forward. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Sir, it's apparent that emotions are high right now, and we all need time to reflect on these proceedings so we can move forward with our investigation."
"No, you aren't going anywhere until we say you are."
"You can not detain us, sir. While we understand your predicament and your concerns, we have jobs to do."
"You are not leaving until we say so." With a gesture, the doors are barred, cameramen are stripped of their cameras, all civilians are quickly gathered up.
"Step aside. You are impeding Government Agents in the completion of their duties."
"We are the only Government Agents here. Based on your show, we do not recognize your authority here."
"Sir, I must ask you to stand aside. Again, I inform you we are government agents sent here by the President of the United States." The rest of the sentence never leaves the agent's lips. He is felled by the giant fist of the angry man. As he falls to the ground: the accompanying agents react to their training, pull sidearms, and pick targets. For their part, the Sioux respond in kind. Their handguns and rifles, previously unseen, are aimed at the various agents and the group of reporters and staff.
"We need to do something."
"Wait." He lays a hand upon the shoulder of his younger partner. The elder of the now-forgotten pair of government representatives who remain in the shadows speak in hushed tones,
"But we must do something."
"What would you have us do. Look around. As of right now, no one is paying any attention to us. We will be no better off than those agents were we to intervene. We need a clear course of action before we do anything."
"Someone is going to die."
"I rather think not. It is not in the interest of anyone here to kill anyone."
Meanwhile, the agents stand back to back, all training their weapons on various armed men.