He pressed his foot down hard on the pedal, urging the engine to its absolute limit. The journey had been fraught with challenges, taking him from the outskirts of Atlanta, GA to the former North Island Naval Air Station. The road, once Interstate 94, had led him through treacherous terrain, from the windswept plains of Clover Flat to the fast-approaching town of Compo. his path lay ahead, following 94 until he reached the heart of San Diego, where he would make the critical switch onto the 5 South. From there, it was west on Imperial Beach, then northward on 75 until he reached the base.
He was under no illusion that he was alone in this dangerous journey; the cargo in the trunk had made him a prime target for others, and the stakes were high.
His trusty steed, Dahlia, a heavily modified Dodge Challenger, was being pushed to its absolute limits. The previous night, he had narrowly entered a checkpoint just as one of his wheels had given out. He had no more spares, and with the third day dawning, he knew he was nearing the end of the race.
The Races have rules:
1. Participants must deliver the package to the destination by any means necessary.
2. If a participant possesses the package, they must adhere to the specified route. Deviating from the route will result in immediate disqualification. If a participant does not have the package, they are allowed to choose any route.
3. The predetermined checkpoints are safe zones where no violence, espionage, or sabotage is permitted. Participants are allowed a maximum of five hours at each checkpoint.
4. All types of weapons were permitted for use during the race. However, the package is never to be destroyed, if a participant destroys the package, they forfeit their lives.
No one ever knew what was in the packages and no one cared. He sure as shit didn’t. All he could focus on was the reward that awaited him at the finish line; 100,000 rounds of ammunition, 10,000 in Dollar Debs Dollars, and credit for 1000 gallons of fuel. But the best prize of all was the fame. That’s what really attracted him.
Despite the world being in disarray, people craved entertainment, and the Wacky Races provided just that. The organizers transmitted the races through pirated satellite signals and guerrilla radio and television stations. He wasn't sure if anyone tuned in - it's plausible that those in control simply reveled in the chaos.
The road stretched out endlessly before him, each mile ticking by as he pushed the speedometer to its limits. The package he had taken from ASS, the Army Surplus Special, was safely tucked away as he navigated the treacherous terrain. The Bullet-Proof Bomb team was relentlessly pursuing him, their determination evident from the gunfire and explosions echoing in the distance.
By his calculations, he only had another 60 miles to go. He just needed to stay ahead of the Ant Hill Mob for less than an hour. He was pushing Dahlia to 120mph. His grip tightened on the wheel as he expertly maneuvered through the debris-strewn roadway, the roar of his engine drowned out by the cacophony of chaos behind him. Bullets pelted his car, and the sudden impact of an RPG blast sent shrapnel flying, narrowly missing him as it pierced his windshield. It was small enough and had hit in just the right way to get through the viewport he’d left in the armor. It had embedded itself into the inch-thick bullet-resistant glass. “Shit.” He knew he had the speed to stay at arm's length of the racers behind him.
His heart raced as he realized the danger he was in – not just from the relentless onslaught, but also from the looming threat of other rival teams lying in wait ahead. There was only one team behind him. He knew several teams had been eliminated but Pitstop, Dastardly, and others were still out there. Most likely ahead of him. He was going to drive right into one of their traps or an ambush. The broken asphalt churned under his tires as miles passed, suddenly, a glance in the rearview mirror revealed that the Army Surplus Special had veered off in another direction, leaving him to wonder where he would see them next. As he continued to barrel down the desolate road, he knew that the real dangers lay ahead, concealed by the unforgiving terrain and the vengeful competitors waiting to pounce.
The bullet-pocked black car raced down the deserted road at breakneck speeds, tearing through the abandoned landscape. This neglected stretch of the road had been cleared of debris for years. The potholes and cracks are a testament to the once-vibrant infrastructure in ruins.
Before the ZomPoc, people used to lament the sorry state of the country's roads, turning complaints about inadequate public works into a macabre competition. For years, nature had been reclaiming the asphalt, determined plants burst through the surface, shattering it like a fragile mirror. The driver skillfully steered around the treacherous holes, occasionally veering off onto the hardened earth to avoid the worst damage to his suspension. His destination: The Bizarre.
The city streets and bridges were in a severe state of disrepair. Overgrown plants pushed through the cracked asphalt, and massive puddles formed from the relentless rain. The lack of maintenance led to a total collapse of most infrastructure. Surprisingly, the Organizers of The Race didn’t seem to care. Neither did the drivers. Most of the old avenues and streets had been reduced to mere dirt roads, drivers navigating with intense concentration to avoid blowing a tire or damaging their vehicles.
The Organizers made minimal efforts to clear the route, using the burned-out and rusted wrecks of cars and trucks as obstacles, claiming it added to the thrill of the race. Additionally, they deliberately chose routes teeming with the undead, to keep things interesting.
As the black Challenger accelerated down the broken ground, gravel and dust filled the air, creating a shrapnel-like effect for anyone behind him.
