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Chapter 71: The Hooligans: St. Patrick's Day

Writer: SGCaperSGCaper

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Date: March 17 Time: 1300. Location: Somewhere in southern Ireland

St. Patrick's Day. A day celebrated the world over by flooding any drinking establishment with even a cursory chance of being "Irish" or at least the one with the most plastic green decor, and indulging in a pint of the finest ale, stout, or whiskey that happy hour prices advertise.

Nowhere was this more true than in the United States, where generations of Irish immigrants took the once venerated holiday and turned it into a shit show filled with shenanigans. From Boston to New York to the middle of nowhere middle America, people lined up to not remember what they did. If America was #1 with the St. Pats binge drinking crew the Irish capital of Dublin was a close second. Tourists would flood the streets looking for the traditional St. Patrick's Day celebration totally unaware that tradition meant church. Instead, they'd get what they really wanted, to get sloppy drunk on cheap, yet still overpriced, green drinks.

Those days are long gone now. 

The streets of Dublin, Belfast, and all of Ireland, were torn asunder by the flesh-eating mobs that took the small nation by storm.

The Queen had tried to assist her Northern Irish citizens, mobilizing all her forces. However, as history had taught the world, when it came to the defense of the United Kingdom what really happened was England was kept safe while everyone else was essentially on their own. Throughout Ireland the survivors rallied together rising up to protect neighborhoods, then single blocks, then a street, and finally a single building. As the number of citizens dwindled the numbers in the horde grew the horde inevitably won. The current population of the Emerald Isle is unknown, at least it is to the five who have been defending and protecting a relic from another time. A relic from another place. 

The Hooligans are a small highly specialized unit of Irish Army Rangers tasked with safeguarding the Stargate. A passage to other worlds. The only one in all of Europe and one of only a handful around the world. With the potential power of the Stargate, it had always amazed the members of the unit that the totality of the Irish military hadn't come and taken control of it. Instead, the five hand-picked mission specialists were all that kept it from falling into the wrong hands. Whose those would be they had come to question as of late. 

It has been six years since Idaho. Five since the fall of London, Dublin, and Belfast. Four and a half since everything went belly up. The Hooligans; Dublin, Castor, Brimstone, Scáthach, and Gunna had been on site from the beginning watching the world fall. They had stood their ground admirably as the personnel of the small Stargate complex began turning. It was no easy task to eliminate the very people they were assigned to protect but the horde had caught them off guard. The battle took them to the outer doors of the room holding the Stargate. The ensuing battle became one of many "last stands" the Hooligans amassed over the intervening years. After the smoke had cleared and the bodies counted, 295 personnel along with 371 civilians had been disposed of. 

Several more assaults had occurred with diminishing numbers each time. For the last year, they hadn't seen a single zombie, nor anything or anyone else. They talked about abandoning their posts and going out into the real world but there was no good reason other than curiosity. They had more than enough supplies, especially after raiding the small village 10km from the base.

So they stayed and waited, for what they weren't sure about. 


"Blood sausage."

"Really? Blood sausage?"

"Damn right. My gran made the best damn blood sausage. What about you?" Gunna takes a swig of water from his canteen, he already knew the answer, 'fish & chips.' They've had this conversation hundreds of times since it all started, 'what food would you have if you could have anything?'

"Chicken Tikka Masala." 

Gunna spits his water across the room choking as he tried to speak. For three years the answer was always the same. "Wh-what the..."

"Yup. Chicken Tikka Masala. There's this Indian place, Kashmir, in Galway, the best damn Chicken Tikka Masala probably on the planet."

"What the..."

"I'm just messin' with ya. Fish & chips of course." The fiery redhead lets out a small laugh, "You should see the look on your face. It's like you've seen a ghost." Scáthach’s smile slowly disappears as she realizes that Gunna not only isn't laughing but is looking right past her.

The cottage they are in is typical for the area. Small, 2 floors, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, a small eat-in kitchen and living room on the first floor. The living room includes a couch covered in a gaudy floral pattern, facing a small fireplace with a flatscreen TV mounted above the mantel. A couple of cushion-covered chairs sit off to the side facing each other currently occupied by Scáthach and Gunna. Gunna's chair also faces the grimy double window that looks out onto the derelict street. Scathach slowly turns in her chair. Her jaw drops. Time slows as the two try to process what is heading their way.

The two soldiers have been coming to the cottage for years. It sits nearly in the center of the small village 10km from the Stargate base, it is the only town within 25km. Connected to the base by an underground passage the cottage was always planned as an emergency escape route should something happen at the facility. After the first battle at the station the team commander, Dublin decided that the cottage would be a good lookout for zombie hordes or attackers making their way towards the base. Since then the shifts have been a week at a time, overlapping, so that while one person is leaving the next is on their way. 

Two years ago all they'd seen was the random zombie straggler. One watcher would walk out, dispatch, and dispose of it. This became little more than routine. For the last year even that routine has faded. The village had no survivors. In its previous life, it had been an elaborate ruse. The village really was housing for all the Stargate staff. Positioned at such a distance to allow those at home to escape or defend their world from an extraterrestrial event. Now the Hooligans were all that remained.

That was until today. 

Outside the window coming methodically down the street were people they had hoped to never encounter. Before the fall there had been numerous briefings on the actions and movements of those coming down the street. The afternoon sun glinted off the midnight black helmets. The red face masks identify their ranks. Iron Grenadier Troopers. A platoon of Destro's finest soldiers was a mere 4 small village blocks away and they weren't alone. Supporting the Iron Grenadiers was a Razorback, a large piece of armor with an intense amount of firepower, the missile racks at the ready, and an officer in a blackened mask different from the rest controlling the turret. It barely made it down the narrow village street but it was carefully making its way toward the two Hooligans’ current location. 

It took mere seconds for the realization to set it, the Stargate was going to come under siege. They jumped into action grabbing weapons and gear, Gunna snatching his radio, "I'm calling it in." 

"Hardline coms only. We don't know if they're listening." Scáthach responded.

“Roger that.” Grabbing the hardline, a phone right out of the 1960s with a single direct line to the watch station. He impatiently held it to his ears, three blocks away now, he knew back at the watch room a red light was flashing and a tone was squelching. "C'mon. C'mon."

"Anything," Scáthach asks, her meticulously kept sniper rifle pointed down range in the direction of the Razorback, the officer in her sights.

"Does it sound like it?” The tension in the room threatened to spill out. At the fourth ring, "Hey, what's up." The lackadaisical voice of Brimstone on the other end. 

"We have a level one threat. Repeat. Level one threat. Over." Two and a half blocks. 

Hearing the message brings Brimstone forward in his seat, "Received. Level one threat." He immediately enters several commands into the computer in front of him and hears the footfalls of the other Hooligans coming to the watch room. "Count. Over."

"Platoon. 2 squad trooper. 2 squad heavy. Armor present. Razorback." Two blocks. The IGs suddenly stop, and the officer begins barking orders from atop the imposing armor. Teams of two begin kicking in doors and doing full top-to-bottom sweeps.

"What's going on out there...?" The silence from Gunna puts Brimstone on Edge. Dublin and Castor listening in. 

"Door to door. We're bugging out." With that Gunna slams the phone down on the receiver. Hearing the call, Scáthach immediately turns towards the basement door. The two waste no time getting downstairs, flipping a switch, and watching the furnace slide to the side revealing a set of dimly lit stairs heading to the corridor connecting to the Stargate operations center. They head down before the furnace has fully moved and flip another switch sliding it back into place. Before it is settled back they are already on the sled, a one-time use quick extraction vehicle utilizing combined pulley and air booster systems designed to let them cover the 10km in minutes. Scáthach hits the power button which releases a quick hiss of air, then the release. The force of acceleration pushes them against the barely padded backrests. 

They come to a quick stop at the end of the long tunnel. Waiting for them are Dublin and Castor. Meanwhile Brimstone continues monitoring the long-range sensors. 

“Update," Dublin asks strain clear in his voice.

Gunna is first to respond, “They showed up out of nowhere. Then started kicking in doors. One platoon. Two squads of IG Troopers and it looked like 2 squads of IG Heavies. Most definitely heading this way.”

“Don’t forget the nasty-lookin' Razorback manned by Darklon,” Scáthach adds.

“Yeah, I was trying to not think about that.”

“Darklon? Shit.” is all Dublin could say. They all know the odds are not in their favor. Dublin stands tall, “Activate all perimeter defensive measures. Prepare to defend the Bonn. Castor, prep the auto-destruct. We can’t let the Stargate fall into Darklon’s hands.” Without another word, the Hooligans set about readying their defenses. The Stargate had remained dormant for years. All those trained in its operation have been turned into mindless flesh eaters. No one on the other side was trying to come through either. Nonetheless, the possibility of it falling into the wrong hands, someone like Darklon and the Iron Grenadiers, was unimaginable. Castor set to work readying a self-destruct mechanism that would go off in one of two circumstances, either all the Hooligan’s biometric scanners would register them as dead or if any one of the Hooligans entered their personal code. Either method would have the same results. Setting off a chain reaction explosion starting at the Stargate and then each relevant system in turn. In two minutes all that would be left is a crater and scarred earth.

Brimstone called out from the workstation, “Perimeter sensors are going offline one at a time.”

Dublin immediately headed over, “What do you mean?”

“I mean it looks like they know where all our tech is and they’re disabling it as they reach it.”

“How far out are they?”

“If I’m right they’ve come through the village completely and are approximately 9 klicks out.”

“Shit.” Doing some quick calculations in his head, “We have about less than 2 hours before it lights up. Do what you have to do. Pray to whatever god you hold dear.”

The Hooligans set out, readying magazines, cleaning, and checking spotless weapons. Going over in their heads how they want to die. The minutes tick away in silence. Dublin replaces Brimstone at the console, watching as each sensor array goes offline marking the ever-encroaching enemy forces. One by one the other Hooligans gather behind him, watching over his shoulders. 7 klicks. 6 klicks. 5 klicks. 4 klicks. 3. 2. 1. “They’re less than 20 minutes out. It’s almost time. You all know what you have to do. Hold your position as long as you can. They’ll be in range of our remaining automatic defenses any minute, but if it goes anything like it has, they already know where they are and will disable them. Leaving just us. You all know what’s at stake here.” Heads slowly nodded in agreement. “I want you all to know it’s been an honor serving with you.”

“Same here, sir.” Castor.

“Never would have made this long without ya, sir.” Gunna.

“It’s been an honor to serve by your side, sir.” Scáthach.

“Sir… We have a bigger problem.” Brimstone’s tone and voice get everyone’s attention. “Look at the readouts.” They all turn. The monitors for the Stargate were off the charts. The video feed showed that somehow the gate was turning, aligning, and preparing to open. The all too familiar sound, fwoosh, the liquid-like surface propelled forwards then settled back, its surface glimmering.

Dublin could only muster, “Bloody fuckin’ ‘ell.”


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