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Chapter 56: Mystery Inc: The Town: Part 4

Writer: SGCaperSGCaper

Time: 1152. Location: Mulberry, KS.

"What now, Velm?" Shaggy looks cautiously over at his partner.

"We do what we came here for, Shag." She pushes her glasses up her nose, straightens her sweater, stands tall, and begins, "Sir, we're here to help the woman who ran up to us this morning. She said that her baby was in trouble."

The man to whom she speaks looks at the two with suspicious eyes. Turning to his flock, "This will take but a minute. Please continue." He turns away. The people inside the old-fashioned white clapboard church return to their seats. An organ is heard coming from somewhere inside, followed by the melodies of people singing. He stops at the bottom of the stairs. "Now, what's all this talk about a woman and a baby?"

Velma clears her throat, "Sir…"

"Father." He corrects.

"Sir…" She says, making the word sound almost rude.

"As you wish. I understand there are blasphemers among us who are incapable of respecting a man of God."

"Sh-she-she means no disrespect, Father. It's been a long day."

"Shaggy!" Velma looks at her friend, offended.

"Tis alright, my child. She may ask her silly questions. She is but a girl."

"Alright, enough. Father, we're here for the woman and her child who asked us for help this morning. Are you going to assist us or not?" Frustration was plain in her voice.

"You say she asked for your help this morning. Yet here you are now. It's well after noon. Do you mean to tell me you abandoned this woman in her time of need? Clearly, if you wanted to help her, you would have." The Priest replies with a villainous smile on his face.

Shaggy, confused, turns towards Velma as she speaks. "Look. We were scared, okay. She caught us off guard. We're here now. Where is she?" Anger spilling out in her words.

"Well, my child, I am afraid you must be in the wrong place. We have no women with children here. In fact, the only children we do have are the children of God. Might I suggest you join us in prayer? You are obviously troubled. We offer solace to those in need."

Velma looks at the man who stands before her, arms by his side, a smile on his face. She knows in her gut, he's lying she just needs to prove it. After several moments she drops her shoulders and looks to the ground, when she looks up her face is a mixture of sadness and confusion. "You're right, Father. I am sorry for being so rude. We've been on the road for quite some time. Perhaps, communing with God will do some good." She begins to walk toward the man whose smile has spread. As she steps forward she is stopped by Shaggy and Scooby. Shaggy grabs her by both shoulders and lowers his voice to a whisper, making sure to keep eye contact with his friend, "Velm… Is that you?"

"Yeah, Shaggy."

"What's going on Velm?"

"Shaggy, do you trust me?"

"You know I do."

"Then come with me." She steps around her two friends. As she does the big dog lets out a small whimper. She stops at the foot of the stairs. The Priest puts his hand out, "Please, take my hand and join my flock." Velma complies. In turn, she looks towards Shaggy and puts her hand out. "C'mon Shaggy. This will be good for us." He shakes his head and looks at his four-legged friend, "Well Scoob, she needs us." And steps forward taking her hand. Scooby follows close behind.

Upon entering, the singing stops. All eyes turn toward the newcomers. Scooby lets out a nearly inaudible whimper as he walks next to Shaggy, pressing his side against his man's leg. Shaggy reaches down and scratches behind his loyal dog's ear. The church is unexceptional. Bright white walls. Pews of light wood on either side of the aisle. A small dais at the front adorned with a green cloth. Candles burn adding a warmth to the small building. Sunlight filters through the stained glass windows that line both sides of the building casting various colors and shapes all about. The pews are filled with the people of the town, gentlemen wearing their finest suits, and women in their Sunday dresses and hats adorned with various flowers. It all seems so normal and yet off. The Priest leads Velma by the hand to the front row. Without a word the people there move allowing Velma and Shaggy the whole row, "Please, be seated." the words drip from the Preist's lips. Velma and Shaggy sit while Scooby lies at his human's feet tail between his legs, ears down, shivers running down his body. The rest of the congregation follows suit, sitting as one. The silence catches Shaggy off guard. He leans into Velma, "I really don't like this." His voice below a whisper. In response, she puts her hand on his. He sits silently looking at his friend who is staring at the Priest before them. In a short time, Shaggy has his eyes fixed upon the man as well.

He stands before his flock behind the dais. Arms raised to the heavens he begins, "My children we welcome these newcomers to our congregation. They have come looking to help. They have come in search of someone in need. They have come with clear intentions yet muddled minds. Their trip has not been an easy one. They have traveled through these lands searching for those in need of succor." He turns his eyes on Velma and Shaggy he points a long finger at them, "Yet, they do not HIS work. They know not HIS greatness. They must be taught." His words are hot. Each punctuated by his waving finger. The crowd behind sits perfectly still, they make no noise. "My children. HIS children. It is our duty to show these outsiders the way. The one way. The only way!" The people stir muttering. "What say we my children? Shall we lead these lost sheep to the salvation only HE can provide?" The noise of the group raises, and someone shouts an "Amen!" Others follow suit. All the while Shaggy sits terrified next to the relaxed Velma as Scooby forces his way further under the wooden bench.


After the words of the Priest, the service continued much like any other religious service. Hymns were sung, passages read, and praise given. At the end of it all each member of the congregation introduced themselves and welcomed them to the town. The Priest introduced himself as Father Randol Flagg. Lunch and tea were served like something straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting. Finger sandwiches made with freshly baked bread and smoked meats served with homemade iced tea and lemonade. The townsfolk won over Scooby with bits of meat and ear scratching. Shaggy and Velma chatted with the people who were all smiles and pleasantries. It all felt so normal and yet…

When all had eaten they shook hands and parted ways. Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma are the last to leave. They shook hands with the Priest, "Thank you for coming."

Velma answered with a smile on her face, "It was our pleasure, Father."

In the end, as they left the church they found it to be dark. It had been only afternoon when they arrived. They thought nothing of it as they walked down the road hand in hand with Scooby frolicking like a pup in front of them. They made their way to one of the many doorways and enter. They find stairs leading not to the upper levels but down into utter darkness. Shaggy leads the way with Velma behind and Scooby taking up the rear. The stairs start out like all stairs; even rise and run, the sound of feet on wood echoes in the hallway. The stairs quickly change. Their texture and size become uneven, the sound now that of stone. They wind their way down the stairs making their way into a passage darker than a starless sky. They navigate its many twists and turns with ease. Walking for nearly an hour they remain side by side, hand in hand, Scooby running ahead from time to time only to run back and playfully jump upon his master. Upon coming to a heavy oaken door Shaggy retrieves a key from around his neck. He puts it in the heavy ancient looking lock and gives it a turn. With a loud click the latch releases. He pushes the door open. Scooby runs in jumping and prancing. "Welcome home, dear." Shaggy makes way for Velma. As she passes, she stands on tiptoe and gives him a peck on the cheek, "Thank you, my darling." They enter the cavern. An ancient underground chamber opens up before them. Cut from the living rock before the dawn of time, the crypt has sat as home and prison to Great Old One. Spoken about in whispers and hushed voices. Light emanates from torches set high in the walls which cast an insipid green light. The floor has been worn smooth over the millennia by the feet of creatures both human and not so human who have come to pay tribute. The only things that could be called furnishings are five statues each sharing similar vulture-like qualities and yet uniquely their own. Carved from smooth stone the statues reflect the sickly light. They sit upon dark podiums stained with the blood of the ageless and the vulgar. In the center a rostrum upon which a dark sarcophagus sits. Hanging from five unseen corners of the ceiling hang iron chains stained with rust and vital fluid. They meet above the tomb. Each chain passes directly over one of the five idols. In the center hangs the remains of the woman they came to save along with her child. Their skin flayed and held to the chain by twisted hooks set between the links. Their blood has been given to the demons within the stone totems. The grey lifeless bodies sag under their own weight pulling skin further from muscle and bone.

Shaggy and Velma walk toward the hulking sarcophagus. Scooby lies at the foot of the podium upon which it lies. He lets out a deep contended breath before closing his eyes for sleep. Shaggy helps Velma climb atop the lid. Once settled, she lends her hand to help him up. "What a lovely day."

"I couldn't agree more, my dear. Wonderful indeed." Velma rolls to her side and again kisses Shaggy on his cheek. The two curl up in each other's arms close their eyes, the light goes out, and they sleep.


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