"Wake all the Vipers."
"Yes, sir."
Within minutes the small skeleton crew is assembled in the observation room. Around the room are Lieutenant Onesi, Tele-Viper Fintak, Techno-Viper Kosa, Pilot Nason, Sniper Akin, and Vipers Lee, Crouch, and Young. While Fintak and T-V recheck the readings, the rest of the men look annoyed at being woken up or called from their downtime.
"What's going on, sir?"
"Well, Young, it seems all the sensors have tripped. We've lost coms with the island, and for fuck's sake, Viper 6 missed check-in."
"Come on, Sir, you woke us for this? There's probably some fuckin' monkeys jumping' around out there again setting off the sensors. A damn rat probably chewed through the com cable again, and come on, it's Logan, he's probably spanking' it out there."
"Well, Crouch, we checked everything, and there are no damn animal noises outside at all. Not even a damn insect. Hell, Fintak and Kosa checked the damn wiring."
"It all checks out. We have all assets active, but we have no signal. It's like the island doesn't exist. Hell, it's like all our sats are gone."
"That about sums it up, Lee. We're in the shit. Fintak, you're on the monitors. Kosa prep the BAT for full-spectrum analysis of the surroundings. I wanna see and hear every fucking thing that's crawling around out there."
"You got it, sir."
"The rest of you, I want two-man, sweep teams covering the north, west, and east. Lee, you're with Akin. Young with Nason. Crouch, you're going out with the BAT. Keep com chatter to a minimum.
We need to figure out what the hell is going on. If it's the Joes, kill the fuckers. If it's locals, kill the fuckers. Whatever is fucking with our shit, kill it. Long live Cobra!"