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Chapter 42: Vipers' Nest: Awakening

Writer: SGCaperSGCaper

Time: 1820. Location: South America, somewhere along the Amazon River.

A full 12 hours later the men of Vipers Nest began to come around. Their heads are groggy from the effects of the toxin used by Agent X 99. Each man found himself tucked squarely in his bunk with new tightly pressed uniforms, squared away gear, and highly polished boots sitting on the chests at the end of each bunk. The sounds of classical music danced through the air as did the aroma of fresh coffee and of all things bacon. Fresh bacon!

Lt Onesi, Viper Lee, Viper-Pilot Nason, Tele-Viper Fintak, and Techno-Viper Kosa each geared up in their small bunk rooms. The new uniforms striking different from the old "Jungle Viper" uniforms, which were nothing more than the standard Viper uniform only drab green as opposed to Cobra Blue. Yet at the same time, they are remarkably similar. The Helms looked the same from the outside yet when put on a whole flurry of new data raced across the visor. A full Heads Up Display as seen in helicopters alerted the wearers to enemy numbers and the location of friendly forces, all shown on a 3-D terrain map. The voice-activated night, thermal, and binocular vision enhancements kept the hands free for weapons use. Of all the men Techno-Viper Kosa and Tele-Viper Fintak were the most impressed. Coming out of their rooms they assembled in the hallway. Onesi joined Fintak and Kosa while they waited for Lee and Nason. "Sir have you checked this stuff out?" asks Kosa excitement in his voice.

"Yeah, I checked it. What's your take on it?"

"This stuff is generations ahead of anything that's supposed to be out in the next 20 years."

"Sir, my helm is beyond anything I could have imagined. Anything I could do from the central terminal I can now do. Hell, I don't even need the tech pack anymore it's all integrated directly into the uniform."

Two doors open and a newly dressed Nason and Lee step out. Lee, upon seeing the Pilot's new uniform lets out, "Holy shit Nason look at you."

"Yeah, no crap man. I couldn't find my other flight suit. Look at you guys."

The men each take a minute to look over the new gear of the others. Each commented on the new tweaks as well as the more ergonomic placement of certain high-value items. As they talk Onesi comes to a realization. "Shit!" The four men turn and look at their officer.

"What's the problem LT?"

"What's the problem? This for one." He replies pulling at his uniform. "Where the hell did these come from? And do I need to remind you we were fuckin' poisoned by Agent X 99? With all of us out who's been watching the Nest? What's been happening?"

"What do you wanna do?" Asks Lee.

"I say we get our weapons, find the fucker who did this, and ask a few questions."

"There will be no need to locate your weapons Lieutenant Onesi I assure you." The voice from behind them startles the men. They turn and find Agent X 99 standing behind them with a tray of steaming coffee mugs. "Coffee? I would have made cappuccinos but it appears as though the issuing of one for your operations was neglected."


"Lieutenant. Before you start rambling off questions demanding answers why don't you take your mug and follow me."

"Right and swallow more poison."

"Oh don't be obnoxious. I didn't poison you. I merely exposed you all to a concoction of my own device, one that simply put you to sleep as you are well aware of."

"I will not leave the Nest unprotected either Kosa or Fintak needs to be in the control room."

"You really are a fine piece of work aren't you Lieutenant. Rest assured the Nest has been secured as have your guests the Mortal and Sneak Peek, I saw to it myself. The B.A.T. is on station outside. Should anything try to breach the Nest we shall have sufficient notification to allow us to mount a defense. Now please take your mug and follow me, my arms are tiring from holding this tray."

Onesi wearily steps up and takes his mug, a Cobra Blue mug with a Joe logo crossed out ala Ghostbusters. Each of the men in turns takes theirs none drinking the dark brew. "I made sure to pour each to your liking. Now if you will." Agent X 99 turns and walks off. He turns at the corner of the hall without looking back. The incredulous men look at one another. Viper Fintak raises his mug to take a sip. Lt Onesi reaches out and slaps his mug to the ground sending the hot brew and broken glass flying across the floor. "What the hell LT!" "Do you not remember what just happened? We were fucking poisoned by that man and you want to drink his coffee?" "Hey it smelled great and he said it wasn't poisoned." "God damn what am I going to do with you?" The rest of the men place their mugs on the floor and then proceed in the direction taken by the Agent. They follow him through the dim corridors of the Vipers Nest. He stops at a maintenance closet. "Here we are, gentlemen. After you." Agent X 99 opens the doors and waves the men in.

Looking at the closet door, but not into the space itself Onesi comments, "With all due respect Agent X 99…"

"Agent will be just fine Lieutenant."

"Whatever, Agent, that's a closet man. There's nothing in there but conduit and cleaning supplies."

"You say this without even looking within. I say, when the Commander and I picked you men for this assignment we really thought you'd be more attentive. I'm shocked that you never found what lies within on your own. Disappointed actually. Now please stop wasting our precious time the Commander will be here shortly."

"You keep talking about the Commander like you know where he is."

"That's because I do. He is now 11 days away from the Vipers Nest accompanied by Generals Tomax and Xamot, as well as the men you sent to fetch him. Now please do not make me ask you again, step this way." He again waves the men to the closet. They share a brief look. "I assure you gentlemen I am not crazy. I am however beginning to get frustrated. Now if you will…" His hand waves them into the room. Onesi enters the dark space followed by Lee, Nason, Fintak, and Kosa. Agent X 99 steps in closing the door. The room is pitch black. There is a clicking from the direction of where Agent X 99 should be, then the sound of gears turning. Light begins to make its way around the edge of the back wall. It opens to reveal a set of stairs. Light filters its way from the bottom of the long staircase. "Again gentlemen I ask that you please enter."

"What the hell is going on sir?" Asks Lee, a look of bewilderment on his face.

"I have no idea. I say we find out." Onsei makes his way down the spiraling stairs followed by the Agent, his men trailing behind. They walk down several stories the bottom opening up into a large room. Half a football field in size the area is packed with crates, 2 of which are open. Also filling the space are tanks unlike any the men had seen before. Vaguely resembling the Cobra HISS tank these new ones have a wider footprint, seem sleeker, and look faster, they also appear to be better armed. At the far end is something they've never seen before. An aircraft its wings folded down sits with gleaming black paint giving it an ominous appearance.

"I see that you really had no idea this room existed. It's for the best. This is where the new uniforms you are wearing came from. When Crouch and Akin arrive they too will receive theirs. Now follow me as I explain.

What you see before you are prototypes developed by Cobra, yes I said Cobra, not M.A.R.S. The technology that is integrated within the fine machines before you is a blend of M.A.R.S., Stark, and Wayne Industries." He stops in front of the two large black tanks. "This, gentlemen, is the most advanced weapons platform in the world. The HISS V. Capable of speeds up to 200 mph with an effective 'on road' range of over 1000 km this beast is equipped with duel chin-mounted machine guns, a top-mounted 50cal liquid-cooled Gatling gun, and can be further equipped with a variety of modular weapon systems, all of which we have in storage here in this room. It has an elevating body which allows it a 360-degree field of fire. Needless to say, it deals out punishment beyond anything currently on the battlefield. Sgt Lee, you are a qualified HISS tank driver correct."

"Um… Yeah."

"Isn't it true that you also passed advanced Motor-Viper training? Aced the course if I remember correctly."

Looking up at the newest HISS Tank Lee replies, "Uhh… Yeah."

"A man of few words I see. Well Sergeant you shall be piloting this magnificent machine."

Looking at Agent he asks, "I really get to drive that?"

"Yes, Sergeant you will. Now if you will all follow me let us continue our tour." The group silently walks towards the aircraft at the far end. "I'm sure you have all asked yourself why a pilot was assigned to a jungle listening post that was equipped with a single Trouble Bubble, a vehicle even the most raw blue shirt is trained on how to operate. Well, Warrant Officer Nason here is the only pilot to ever fly Wild Weasel to a draw in a Rattler. He is also the only pilot in the history of Cobra to successfully train as an A.V.A.C., Strato-Viper, Heli-Viper, and Gyro-Viper. When it came time to find a candidate to pilot this beauty there was only one option. This gentlemen is the next-generation FANG flight system. We dubbed her the Black Dragon. She is the only one of her kind. She has the speed of a jet combined with the maneuverability of a helicopter. She integrates WRAITH Stealth technology obtained from M.A.R.S. as well as white noise cancelation technology and advanced weapons systems. She has out-flown and outfought even Destro's most advanced fighter the M.A.R.S. Series 1 Gunship, it may have been faster but our little Dragon here still took it out. In the new world, she will be the standard for air superiority."

Agent X-99 turns to look at the assembled men. "As I stated before, gentlemen, you were hand-picked by the Commander under my advisement. You have all shown to either be the best at your specialty or have the potential to be. Not only that but your camaraderie with one another is highly valued. You have trained with one another to a point where words are not needed for each member to know what is expected. You are going to be the model for the new Cobra.

Lieutenant, you should be proud of what you've established here. You single handily took down a Cobra Mortal, no small feat. Your men are responsible for capturing a Joe, and you continue to hold him captive. The way you have all continued to follow internal protocols and remained loyal to the Organization has not gone unnoticed.

Onesi, for your continued loyalty, you will become the leader of a new unit, your men will, of course stay under your command and will be supplemented with a small group of my selection. They will write about your victories in the history books as we retake the former United States. For generations to come people will be talking about The Plague."


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