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Chapter 31: Vipers' Nest: Enter The Mortal

Writer: SGCaperSGCaper

Updated: May 18, 2023

Time: 1034. Location: South America, somewhere along the Amazon River.

"Holy shit!"

"What?" In the darkened communications room of the Vipers Nest, Tele-Viper Fintak and Techno-Viper Kosa are on duty. Fintak is listening for anything to broadcast over the airwaves. Over the last several years, they have picked up scattered communiqués from around the world. They've heard the chaos overtake everyone. Kosa, sleeping feet up on a console. At least he was. "What is it, man? This better be important she was just about to."

"Will you shut the fuck up and put on your ears, man."

Kosa scowls at his tech partner. He puts on his headphones and what he hears makes his jaw drop. "Shit!"


It's been too long. Too damn long. We sweep the area regularly. We've gotten good at finding and eradicating the undead. We bait them and take 'em out. I never realized how well stocked we were here. I knew we had supplies, but we had no shortage of ammunition, food, water, anything. Anything except entertainment. The men ran out of things to do a long time back. Now they make games out of THEM. It's frightening the lengths they'll go to. Anything to kill the boredom. I allow it only cause if I didn't, I know they'd kill each other.

I don't know how much longer we can stay here. I'm thinking of leading the guys out of here. Maybe head towards the sea. I know that's what Crouch wants. For the others, it's a day-to-day thing. We have a couple of HISS Tanks in the bay, Kosa, and Crouch had retrofit one for the Trouble Bubble and charging the BAT. Who knows what we'd find out there. The reports from the outside world have stopped. From what we were able to gather, it's not good.

Lt. Onesi writes in his log each day. He's kept track of each day since it happened. Today is no different. As he is about to continue, he is interrupted by a knock at his door.


"Sir, we've picked up a signal."

"What this time? Some poor soul calling out an SOS?"

"No, sir. Something you need to hear. Now." The urgency in Fintak's voice rattles the Lieutenant.

"Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go."


"Are you sure this is authentic?"

"Sir, we've checked and double-checked. This is the real deal. The encryption is older, so damn old I almost forgot how to crack it. He's coming. Here!"

"When was this sent?"

"That's unclear, sir. It's been playing on a loop. It could be today, it could be a week."

"Okay. Let's tell the men."


"You have got to be shitting me?"

"No, Crouch, I'm not. The Commander is on his way here. We're unsure of when he will arrive, but we need to be prepared. Fintak and Kosa have worked their end. Now it's on us. We need to make sure the area is clear. It's time to Viper up, men. No more slacking. We've had it good. Now we have to show the Commander what makes us the best."

"Sir, with all due respect, what the fuck are you talking about. We've had it easy? We're locked up underground in a god damn bunker. Our families are dead. Our money, shit that's useless. And there are fucking zombies walking around out there. Why the fuck would the Commander come here. How do know this wasn't."

"Enough, Akin. Listen. I know how you all feel. Do you think this has been easy for me? Do you think I don't have the same concerns you all do? We knew what we were getting into when we joined Cobra. Now is our time to put up. Now we have confirmed that the Commander is on his way here. Why? I don't know, nor do I care. I just know that the man is coming. I for one, plan to stand by him, especially now. If it wasn't for him, we would all be dead out there.

Look at this place. Is it perfect? No. It's cramped. It's damp. It fuckin' sticks to high hell. But have we ever gone hungry? Have we run out of water? What about ammo? You heard all the same radio calls I did. People out there died because they were unprepared. The Commander made sure, we, the god damn mother fuckin' Vipers Nest, he made sure we were prepared. We owe our lives to him.

Now, this isn't a fuckin' democracy here. This is the damn military. I'm in charge. I say we get this place in order. That is not a request. That is an order. We clear Akin?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very good. You're dismissed."


As the men of Vipers Nest prepare for the arrival of their leader, Akin and Kosa have found themselves in the company of every man, not on duty. On this particular night, Lt. Onesi, Viper Crouch, and Viper Lee join them in the Comm Room. As the witching hour approaches, all seems quiet until a small red light attracts the attention of the Tele-Viper.

"Sir. Our perimeter sensors have been tripped. We have incoming. Unable to identify."

"Crouch. Lee. Get out there. Open mics, I wanna hear everything. And watch your asses."

"Yes, sir."


The two Vipers leave the safety of the Nest and step out into the jungle night. They are greeted by the light of a full moon. The jungle is silent. It hasn't been this quiet since the beginning of the end. The animals and insects reclaimed their home after the first wave of THEM came through.

- "It's too damn quiet." -

- "You know what that means." -

- "THEM." -

- "Weapons hot." -

- "Sweep pattern Delta." -

- "Roger that." -

The two Vipers carefully and meticulously sweep the perimeter arching further out with each pass. Stopping, looking, listening for any sign of THEM. They look up, something they learned after one of THEM came out of a tree. Poor fuck must have been bitten and turned after trying to climb to safety. That's when they see it.

- "Target spotted." -

- "Where?" -

- "3 o'clock. 50 yards out. 6 meters up. Picking it up on thermal." -

- "Thermal? Fuck you think it's another Joe?" -

- "Don't know Crouch. Lieutenant, advise." -

Back inside the Nest, Lt. Onesi has been listening attentively to his men. He responds to Lee, "Approach with caution. Engage only if necessary. Repeat engage only if necessary. Over."

- "Received. You heard the man, Crouch, lead the way." -

- "Fuck no. You first." -

- " What you afraid of the dark?" -

- "The dark? Fuck no. Things in trees I can't identify. Fuck yes." -

The two Vipers approach cautiously. Eyes on the subject hidden from them. Careful not to tip off whatever it is that they know it's there. They continue the sweep trying to ensure that they don't walk into a trap. As they get closer. They hear a voice. "Don't shoot."

Their weapons instantly train on the shape in the lower terrace of the tree. A shape that is no longer trying to hide. "I said, don't shoot, and you assholes point rifles at me."

"Out of the tree now, or we open up."

"Fuck. Fine, just don't shoot me before I hit the ground."

A small figure steps into the light. The figure suggests a woman. Clad head to toe in red and silver. She drops lightly to the ground. Hands out to her side. "I'm unarmed. Ya think you can lower those?"

"On the fuckin' ground, lady. NOW!"

"You have got to be kidding," she responds. She sees the finger of the Viper in the lead slowly begin to squeeze the trigger of his weapon.

"I will fuckin' drop you where you stand. On the ground! NOW!"

"Okay. Okay." The woman lowers herself to the ground. Hands out to her side. The Vipers approach cautiously, quickly seeing the large tondo blades at her back. "Cover me, Crouch."

"No problem. If the bitch moves, she's done."

Lee slings his rifle to his back and pulls his sidearm. He nears the woman. Steps to her side. Drops his knee into the small of her back, gun to the back of her head. "Move, and you lose your head."

"I'm sure the Commander appreciates how thorough you are but, I don't think he'll like you killing someone on his payroll."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" With that, her opening is made. She quickly rolls, grabbing Lee. Before either he or Crouch can react, she has Lee placed as a shield with a small yet very sharp blade to his throat. "Now you. Lower your fucking weapon, or I'll water the plants with his AB neg."

"God damn it, Lee. Again? Really? What the fuck?"

"Lower your weapon."

- "Sir?" -

- "Lower it. Akin has a bead on her from 20 yards at your 9." -

Crouch reluctantly lowers his weapon. "Good. Now maybe you assholes can take me to meet Lt. Onesi."


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