In the dark azure skies stretching above the crumbling ruins of a long-abandoned suburb, Autobot Powerglide soared gracefully, his sleek, crimson form glistening against the sunlight. He took a moment to acknowledge the breathtaking view. In front of him, a landscape dotted with the remains of a once-powerful civilization, now reclaimed by Mother Nature, overgrown with vines and time. Behind him, billowing clouds of thick smoke rise in stark contrast against the forest of greens and brown he finds himself flying over. The serenity was intoxicating, momentarily distracting him from the ongoing conflict.
Since Powerglide's initial arrival, which sent Cobra troops scurrying like insects, Cobra has quickly regrouped and brought out reinforcements, including his longtime rival, the Decepticon Viper.
Powerglide's peace was abruptly shattered as Viper, a menacing blue Cobra Rattler, streaked across the horizon with alarming speed. The air crackled as he unleashed a volley of deadly missiles, each explosion erupting in dazzling fiery bursts surrounding Powerglide. The Autobot's sharp instincts kicked in. Honed to a razor's edge through countless aerial dogfights, he veered out of the line of fire, evading the deadly projectiles.
With an Energon-fueled flourish, Powerglide changed directions, repositioning himself to face his adversary head-on, "You think you can catch me, Viper?" Powerglide taunted, his voice crackling through the comms with confident bravado and fearlessness.
Viper's cold laughter reverberated, a sinister sound dripping with malice, "I've flown circles around tougher enemies than you!" His engines roared menacingly as he prepared for another assault.
"Then let's see if you can keep up!" And with that, the aerial duel ignited a thrilling display of speed, agility, and cunning strategy.
The two combatants danced through the clouds, each maneuver executed with precision, a deadly game of cat and mouse that spanned the endless expanse of sky.
For two grueling days, the convoy pressed onward through the unyielding wastes, where the sun blazed relentlessly overhead, and the ground seemed to stretch endlessly before them. The group pushed on despite the discomfort gnawing at their bodies and exhaustion seeping into their bones. Their only reprieve came during brief moments, where they would pause just long enough to relieve themselves and stretch their cramped, aching legs.
In the evenings, the sun dipped below the forever distant horizon, casting the world in deep orange and purple hues before surrendering to the stygian darkness from which their distant ancestors once cowered. The temperature dropped, and the vast expanse of the night sky glittered with stars. The humans clustered together in the cramped interiors of their transporters and attempted to seek rest in the confined spaces.
For their part, the Autobots continued to drive restlessly under the starlit sky. Their metal forms caked in sand and dirt, their motors humming as they continued, ever vigilant.
With each mile traversed, the anxiety of their time in the scorching desert dissipated.
On the morning of the third day, the monotony of traveling was broken by a voice crackling over the comms. "Ultra Magnus, we have movement up ahead - a lot of it," reported Cosmos from high in the air. "It's still several miles out. If we stay on our current course, we should make contact in approximately fifteen minutes."
The caravan of men and machines grinds to a halt, a cloud of fine dust swirling around their tires. With a flurry of movement, the passengers and drivers leap from their vehicles. In an instant, the vehicles transform into towering sentient robots. Far in the distance, ominous plumes of black smoke rise high into the azure sky.
"Cosmos, are you picking up any coms?" Ultra Magnus asked, his anticipation tangible.
"There's lots of chatter. Sounds like Cobra is attacking a group of rebels," Cosmos replied steadily. "Also, I'm picking up signals on an older Autobot communication channel, but the message is distorted. I can't quite make it out yet. It appears someone added a newer level of encoding."
"Keep working at it, Cosmos," Ultra Magnus instructed.
"Will do," came the response.
"Who do you think the rebels are?" asked Brawn.
"If they're fighting Cobra, does it matter?" Ultra Magnus replied, eyes narrowing as he adjusted his optics toward the horizon.
"Hmmph," Hound grunted, arms crossed.
"So, what're we going to do?" asked Bulkhead, energy glinting in his eyes.
Ultra Magnus stood in silent contemplation, weighing the situation and its myriad possible outcomes. Finally, he said, "Roll out!"
The sound of metal shifting and transforming filled the air as the Autobots seamlessly shifted back into their vehicle forms. They were ready for whatever lay ahead.
"Cosmos, scout further ahead and report," Ultra Magnus ordered. "Blades, run overwatch."
Blades and Cosmos swiftly loaded their passengers without hesitation before shooting skyward.
Suddenly, Blade's alarmed voice sliced through the air like his propellers, "We have incoming!"
The thunderous roar of powerful engines vibrates through the atmosphere. Two aircraft hurtle toward them at breakneck speed. The first, a formidable dark maroon A-10 Thunderbolt, raced forward, pursued closely by a sleek, deep blue Cobra Rattler. A whir of bullets whistled dangerously through the air. Cosmos soared high into the sky while Blades executed a sharp, evasive turn, narrowly dodging the deadly projectiles that whizzed past.
"Was that?" Brawn began, his voice trailing off in disbelief.
"Yup!" Hound answers.
"Holy hell!" the words crackled over the internal speakers, jolting Hook, pressed tightly against the cockpit seat. "Did you see that?" the excited question came from the speakers.
"You need to focus!" Hook barked. "We're being chased by... Well, by one of you!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Powerglide replied dismissively. Then he quickly switched gears, his voice shifting in seriousness as he continued over the speakers and the secured radio channel. "Powerglide to Beachcomber."
"A little busy here, PG," came the hasty reply.
"Yeah, well, you're gonna wanna hear this; you all are." Powerglide's excitement carries through the transmission like a live wire, "Keep on your current course, and you're going to run smack into reinforcements."
"What? What the hell do you mean?" Beachcomber asked.
"I mean... I just spotted Ultra Magnus, Hound, Brawn, and Bulkhead. There were more, but I didn't have time to chat."
"Are you sure?"
"As sure as I am, Viper's about to get a whole truckload of surprises."
No sooner had the transmission been made than a brilliant flash shot through the sky above Powerglide. Cosmos came hurtling down from the clouds, a streak of green against the backdrop of the darkening sky, unleashing a relentless barrage of plasma bolts upon the unsuspecting Decepticon Viper below.
"Powerglide, is that really you?" Cosmos' voice crackled through the secure channel, filled with excitement and disbelief.
"Yes!" Powerglide exclaimed. He executed an extreme dynamic deceleration in one fluid motion, quickly angling his nose up past vertical, becoming a full-bodied airbrake. Viper was caught off guard and roared past underneath him, its engines screaming as it careened wildly below.
Powerglide watched as Viper, sensing the tides had turned, made a desperate wide turn and accelerated away, retreating from the aerial battle.
Inside the cockpit, the intense maneuver proved too much for Hook. His head hung unceremoniously on his chest, having lost consciousness from the sheer power of the extreme G-forces he had endured during the sudden deceleration.
"Hook! Wasn't that awesome?" Powerglide asked over the speakers. "Hook? Aw, man, he didn't even see it," he muttered disappointedly.
Below the aerial fight, the Autobots, led by Ultra Magnus, surged forward. Their powerful vehicle forms thundered through the desolate surroundings, each second bringing them closer to the impending conflict ahead. In mere minutes, they closed the distance.
As they approached their besieged comrades, Ultra Magnus boomed, "Autobots! Let the humans out here. Gramps, dig in, and prepare to repel the attackers."
Gramps nodded. He swiftly began barking orders, guiding the survivors to find any available cover, urging them to set up behind debris and in the shadows.
Satisfied to see his commands carried out, Ultra Magnus' voice rang out once more, "Autobots! Transform and attack!" The machines shifted into their combat forms. At the same time, an exhausted and battered Bumble Bee and Beachcomber came streaking down the stone-covered dirt road, kicking up massive dust clouds.
"We have wounded!" Beachcomber called out urgently.
"Leave them here. We have people that can help," replied Ultra Magnus.
Hearing the radio call that the wounded were approaching, Doc quickly ran to meet them. Wolf Spider and Big Brawler joined her. Bumble Bee came to a screeching halt, his doors flinging wide open. An exhausted Bulleit tumbled out, and Doc was at her side before she could call for help.
Upon seeing Throttle's perilous condition, Doc yelled, "I need more hands!" Instantly, others emerged from behind the safety of cover. They gingerly moved Throttle out of Bumble Bee, Bulleit never leaving her side, her anxious gaze darting to Beachcomber, where the other injured were being helped.
Placing a reassuring hand on Bulleit's arm, Doc offered comfort, "We've got this. You did well!" They carried the wounded toward the rear. "I need a place for the wounded!" Doc called out. A group began to clear an area off to the side, the trees offering meager protection. Doc and the others headed to the clearing, setting the patients on the ground. Throttle yelled out in pain.
Bulleit looked up, "I ran out of painkillers."
"On it," Doc pulled off her pack and reached inside, pulling out a smaller pouch and withdrawing a small clear vial and a long needle. She inserted the needle into the vial, withdrawing a small amount of the liquid, "Morphine," she said as he administered it to Throttle.
"These two are good, Doc. Stable," Wold Spider called over his shoulder. He turned and made eye contact with Bulleit before continuing, "You did a hell of a job. Great work." He then came to Throttle's side; the morphine had taken effect.
Doc was removing bandages, "I don't see any sign of infection," she offered Bulleit a small smile, "Wolf, I need gauze and bandages. Let's clean this wound and rewrap it," she said, motioning toward the backpack next to her.
Wold Spider removed his gloves, put on a fresh pair, and retrieved the requested gauze and bandaging.
The two worked with delicate precision, cleaning the wound and rewrapping it.
A short distance away, the ground shook as the Autobots roared into battle. The metallic giants charged through Cobra's ranks, obliterating enemy armor and scattering squads of troopers like roaches when a light comes on.
The unexpected and sudden appearance of the colossal robots threw Cobra into chaotic disarray. The shock and awe of the Cobra forces was palpable even behind their masks.
Once they had dropped off their injured occupants, Bumble Bee and Beachcomber swiftly took their place alongside their leader and friends.
"It's good to see you, Bee!" Bulkhead bellowed, his voice full of excitement as he laughed heartily. His massive cybernetic hands gripped a colossal weapon, firing steadily at the fleeing enemy troops.
"What about me?" Beachcomber blurted, his voice barely cutting through the cacophony of weapons firing, a mock pout twisting his features.
"It's wonderful to see you too!" Bulkhead shot back, still focused on the fight but pleased to be joined by lost friends.
"More! Where the fuck are all these damn robots coming from?" Tombstone shouted, lashing out in frustration as he hurled his empty rifle to the ground with a resounding clatter. Cobra Commander had entrusted him and Onesi with his secret weapon, the deadly Decepticon Viper. This powerful addition had allowed them to counter the overwhelming firepower of the Joes' airborne Autobot.
For the past two days, Cobra forces, galvanized under the stern leadership of Onesi and Tombstone, had pushed the Joe rebels deeper into the wastes. Cobra could have wiped the insurgents out, erasing them from history to claim complete domination. However, the cunning Cobra Commander had other plans in mind. He had insisted on a more calculated approach. One that aimed not just for victory but to teach a chilling lesson. Cobra would let the Joes believe they had found a fleeting sanctuary, only to strike with brutal force again when they least expected it. He wanted to crush their spirit and destroy their morale. The Commander sought to keep as many of the Joes alive as possible, believing that instilling fear would quell any further insurrection. By wearing them down slowly, the rebels would eventually surrender, allowing Cobra Commander to use them as an example of Cobra's greatness.
At least, that had been the plan.
Now, a large group of heavily armed metal monstrosities emerged from the woodline, cutting through their defenses like a newly sharpened scythe through wheat. The mechanical giants wreaked havoc, leaving destruction in their wake and turning the carefully laid strategy into chaos. Once again, the tides of war had shifted dramatically against Cobra, leaving a trail of ruin, and with it, the success of their campaign was stomped out.
Tombstone looked out upon the ensuing chaos; the acrid smell of smoke and burning metal filled the air. He hesitated momentarily, but the grim reality set in as he surveyed the battlefield: their forces were being decimated. Reluctantly, he raised his voice to give the command to retreat.
Onsei turned to him, "You sure about this?"
"Fuck yes! I'm sure!" Tombstone screamed. He waved his arms over the scene around them; the fallen littered the ground, and the Autobots showed no signs of stopping their counterattack. "Look around. We're being slaughtered."
With an angry sigh, he stomped back toward his armored transport. Once inside, he slammed the door shut. Through the bulletproof glass, he watched helplessly as more of his men were overrun. A pit in his stomach tightened.
The Commander would not be happy.
Cobra Commander reclined in the plush leather chair of his opulent office in New Springfield, a veritable fortress from which he spread his grandiose ambition and fomented disorder. The air smelled of polished mahogany and old-world decadence while it thrummed with the electrical buzz of video feeds. He had commanded his Televipers to set up monitors so he could enjoy his triumph against G.I. Joe in vivid, high-definition, and lavish comfort. The result was a wall of screens displaying live bodycam and drone footage.
As he watched from his chair, he felt smug satisfaction. As he watched the carnage unfold, a devious smile crept across his face, hidden by the dark, heavy folds of his navy blue hood. The live bodycam feeds captured frantic soldiers scrambling for cover while drones overhead transmitted real-time aerial footage that revealed the ensuing devastation.
The arrival of the Autobots had come sooner than he had anticipated. Yet, Cobra Commander remained undeterred. With a calculated smirk, he immediately began conspiring to twist this unexpected development to his advantage, turning the tide of his troops' failure in favor of his insidious plan. The scene playing out before him was one of mayhem and death, yet in his mind, it was a grand stage setting the stage for his ultimate victory.
To the side of the office, his skilled Televipers were already hard at work, gathering high-definition video feeds from several body cameras worn by Troopers in the field, capturing every intense moment and crucial detail. Additionally, drones buzzed quietly above the battle, providing aerial perspectives that added depth to the footage the Televipers gathered.
With practiced precision, the Televipers began splicing the various clips together. They closely examined each frame as they wove the recordings into a chilling narrative, all under the watchful eye of Cobra Commander.
The Commander's smile grew as he envisioned the end result: A stark warning to the residents of New Springfield and those under his control. The video would be edited to paint the Autobots as horrifying enemies, posing an even greater threat to the safety and security of his growing empire than even the undead. His strategy had always remained the same - foment fear and anxiety among the populace, ensuring they viewed any new adversaries as dangerous intruders rather than allies. The message would be unambiguous and potent, ensuring his control and reinforcing his power over his growing country.
He watched as Tombstone ordered his troops to retreat, watching them scramble to escape the bloodbath flooding the field. All the while, the Commander calculated his next move. The video would be sent to every Cobra installation and replayed in a loop alongside the footage of Joe's attack on New Springfield. He would fan the flames of resentment, leaving his enemy nowhere to go. Then, he would unleash the weapon that would end the Autobots and Decepticons once and for all, clearing his path for a total takeover.