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Chapter 100: Roll Out

The rising cloud of dust announces their presence and can be seen for miles in every direction. It's so immense that it obscures the distant mountains.

The convoy causing it has been driving non-stop for days, navigating non-existent infrastructure that once crisscrossed the country. Now, all that remains are landmarks of crumbling concrete, shattered asphalt, and the occasional bullet hole-ridden sign for a place long since fallen. Still, they drive on, hoping to reach the location the Energon burst originated from. Overhead, a large Coast Guard helicopter provides reconnaissance for the caravan. Suddenly, all the radios crackle to life, "There is a large ravine coming up. I'm not sure everyone will be able to cross it," the messenger continues, "The closest accessible detour adds over a hundred miles to the trip."

"Received, Blades." The leader of the group replies. "Let's see what we're facing." The convoy pushes on the final miles before slamming to a screeching halt. The group disembarks from their transports. The Autobots transform into their robot forms. In front of them stretches a gorge that seems to go on forever. Appearing untouched by the ZomPoc, it goes off into the horizon.

"The Grand Canyon, it's the damn Grand Canyon." Staplehurst blurts out and throws his arms up in disbelief.

"How the hell did we miss this?" Spike questions.

Never one to miss an opportunity to provoke, Maebh quips, "Well, we didn't miss it. Looks like we hit it just fine."

"Smartass." Spike shoots back.

Gramps looks over one of the Seven Wonders of the World, "I've always wanted to come here. Didn't think it would be like this." As he stares out over the expanse, the grizzled Vet is joined by the rest of the group; the Autobots' Earth Defense Command liaison Marissa Faireborn, the Joes Breaker, Carla "Doc" Greer, Sparks, Wreckage, Big Brawler, Night Fox, and Wolf Spider, along with survivors Wayne, Violet, Desert Rose, Marksman, Solomon, and Riley, as well as the mysterious government agent Kim Possible, and the unstable cyborg member of WildC.A.T.S. Ladytron.

Behind them stand the Autobots; Ultra Magnus, Blades, Hound, Brawn, Bulkhead, Sandstorm, and Ratchet.

An exasperated Night Fox turns to look at the towering robot leader of their party, "Going around will add a few hours."

Gramps adds, "Anything we try to do will most definitely take the same amount of time, be inefficient, and inevitably backfire, you know, cause of Murphy's Law."

"I agree," The imposing robot responds to the diminutive man standing before him. "Blades, make sure the new route is clear."

"Yes, sir." WHRR-TSCHZZ-TSCHZZ-TSCHZZ-CHK. The robot, Blades, takes the form of a helicopter, and the small crew of Wolf Spider, Wayne, Violet, and Desert Rose leap inside. In seconds, they climb into the sky. The downdraft kicks up a cloud of sand and rock, causing those remaining to shield their eyes.

"We'll rest here while they reconnoiter the way." Ultra Magnus looks over the Grand Canyon, "It undoubtedly is beautiful."

"Yes, it is." Gramps responds before turning to the remaining party, "All right, we're taking 15. Don't go too far." They quickly spread out, robots and humans gathering in small groups.

"What is that?" Ladytron points to a distant flash in the sky.

What looks like a star shimmering in the daytime sky seems to be getting closer. "I'm not getting any readings from whatever it is." Breaker calls out.

 Ultra Magnus takes a defensive position, "Autobots circle up. Protect the humans!" As they have done far too many times, the humans of the group go to the center of a circle made up of robots. Despite the posturing, the humans aren't defenseless. They prepare their weapons, a mix of conventional firearms and weapons made with off-world tech. "Breaker, Sparks, keep trying to make contact." Ultra Magnus calls out. Their silent reply is to bury their heads in various devices. As the light approaches, Breaker discovers a faint radio signal, "Ultra Magnus! I've got a signal."

"Broadcast it to the convoy."

The message repeats, "Don't shoot. Friendly. Don't shoot."

Along with the message is transmitted a password, and Sparks looks at a small tablet while tapping furiously, "Ultra Magnus, the code is an older one, but it checks out as one of ours."

"Do not lower your weapons," Says the fearless leader, "It could be another trap."

The green, oblong, disc-shaped object gets nearer, surprising Ultra Magnus, "Everyone, holster your weapons." The order is quickly followed. As the ship approaches, no dust or rocks are kicked up.


The transformation of the spaceship is lightning-quick, and a giant robot stands before them. "Cosmos!" Instantly, the Autobots surround their friend.

The ensuing conversation lasts long into the night. The original goal of getting around the canyon is temporarily put on hold.

"I've been High-Earth Orbit monitoring every signal I could, which wasn't much. Something has been interfering with the ionosphere, and transmissions have been greatly affected worldwide. Cobra seems to be the only group capable of long-distance communications." Cosmos explains how it detected the same faint Energon spike the convoy was following. "It wasn't until I was below the Mesosphere that I was able to pick up your faint coms."

"This explains why it has been so difficult to find others." Ultra Magnus ponders this new information. "What do you think is causing this interference?"

"Cobra has a lot of communications satellites up there. All are maintained by an army of Satellite B.A.T.s," he pauses, "The B.A.T.s are self-contained, highly-maneuverable, and heavily armed satellites. I've watched them cannibalize other satellites for parts. They're like ants in a colony, all working for a singular purpose, keeping the Cobra grid up and running. The network must be doing something to block and distort signals."

Breaker interjects, "So if we could hack their signal, maybe we could contact the rest of the Autobots."

"It's a good idea, but I've been in space since this began. I tried hacking Cobra's signals, and I only came close once. I had to disconnect because I was found by the B.A.T.s. To survive, I had to escape to the Moon. From then on, I made sure to stay out of the range of those things. The good news is, whatever they were doing is starting to fade. I may be able to extend your current communications, even if it means functioning as an aerial relay antenna.


Headquarters for the new Joe Team

"Bumblebee, tell me you heard that," Beachcomber says with surprise.

"I... Did."

The transmission was faint at first. Only a single word could be deciphered. Then, the signal grew, and the message was unmistakable, "To any Autobots out there, you are not alone. We are coming. We will find you. Help is on the way."

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