Dick Dastardly is the quintessential embodiment of treachery and cowardice, perfectly illustrating the definition of the word "dastardly." He is characterized by his underhanded tactics and cruel backstabbing, as he resorts to sinister schemes in his relentless quest for victory. However, he is the first to run from a fight should he feel the odds are not in his favor.
Since the first Wacky Race was run, Dastardly has been a prominent yet loathed driver of the notorious Mean Machine. This contraption is not only the fastest vehicle in the races, but it is also well-armored and heavily armed with an outrageous assortment of weaponry designed for maximum damage and acts of sabotage.
Despite having all the necessities to win - speed, armor, weaponry - Dastardly's undoing comes from his obsession with trickery and desire to ensure others fail. He takes perverse joy in devising elaborate traps and gains great pleasure from watching other race participants meet a catastrophic end. However, his machinations often backfire, preventing him from claiming a victory that could be his.
His faithful and ferocious dog, Muttley, accompanies him on his twisted adventures. This snarling beast shows unwavering loyalty to Dastardly. Those who cross Muttley's path and live to tell the tale swear that he laughs or snickers before he attacks, almost like a hyena.