Merrick Halloran's journey began in the Royal Navy, where his skills and dedication led him to the Special Boat Service (SBS). Serving in the C Squadron, he showed remarkable prowess and valor. However, an ill-fated day in an Afghan village marked a turning point in his life. Tasked with clearing a dangerous section of an enemy-held neighborhood, his squad encountered an unexpected and tragic situation. While conducting a house-to-house search, they were surprised by an elderly woman who came out of a doorway clasping a small child to her chest. Instinct kicked in, and before he knew what he was doing, Halloran had gunned down the 87-year-old grandmother and her three-year-old grandson.
Despite being absolved of any misconduct, the haunting memory of that day lingered with him, casting a shadow over his soul. The faces of the victims plagued his dreams and haunted his waking hours, forever etched in his mind. Eventually, despite leaving the SBS with an impeccable record, he could never shake off the feeling of pervasive dishonor.
Amidst a turbulent period of inner turmoil, Halloran found himself approached by a recruiter from Cobra. In a pint in a dimly lit pub in the crime-ridden district of Westminster, he was discovered drowning his sorrows in a pint. After several weeks of being worked over, Halloran accepted the recruiter's offer. Joining the EEL Corps within Cobra, he excelled at their rigorous training and ascended to become a formidable Hydro-Viper.
However, as his tenure in Cobra progressed, Halloran's sanity began to unravel. When the opportunity for Venomization arose, he did not hesitate. He made the audacious choice to undergo the radical procedure involving the combination of his DNA with that of various deep-sea creatures.
Whether his altered appearance results from the Venomization or if he wears a costume remains a mystery. No one dares to inquire.
Following the Venomization procedure, Halloran, now calling himself "Merman," became increasingly unmanageable. Dr. Mindbender classified him as a "Failure" and ordered his termination. Two units were dispatched to eliminate Merman, but none of the members survived the encounter.