For Murder…
For Assault…
For Theft…
For Espionage…
For Treason!
Rax or Fish Boy
Known Associates
Miles Mayhem
Cliff Dagger
Vanessa Warfield
Extreme prejudice should be used in the apprehension and elimination of Sly Rax.
Sly Rax entered the Stark-Wayne Advanced Technology Research Center. Lacking the proper authorization, security attempted to escort him from the premises. Rax proceeded to stab a security guard several times in the abdomen throwing the limp body to the floor to bleed out. He then stabbed two more guards, killing the second, and severely wounding the third. Rax then donned his Stiletto M.A.S.K., which he had carried in a duffle bag, and broke into a high-level lab where he murdered two local college students who had been performing work study as lab technicians. Rax was seen on CCTV removing what has been described as three glowing green canisters. The contents of those canisters are unknown but they are to be considered extremely dangerous. Upon his escape from the facility, Rax utilized his V.E.N.O.M. Tech-equipped motorcycle, the Piranha, to destroy several building exteriors, security stations, and fences.
In addition to the brazen daylight robbery of the Stark-Wayne Advanced Technology Research Center, Rax is implicated in the assassination plot of President Sheen as well as the theft of the Constitution of the United States during ceremonies at the National Archives. He was seen entering through a rear employee entrance of the building and later in the Atrium where the President was giving his speech. The body of President Sheen showed clear signs of trauma from an energy-based weapon. The subsequent autopsy concluded that scorch marks around the entry and exit wounds matched those of other known victims of the Stilleto M.A.S.K.
Rax is to be considered extremely dangerous.
If seen do not attempt to approach.
Immediately call 911 to alert local authorities.
Rax rides/pilots the Piranha, a high-tech weaponized motorcycle that includes a detachable one-man submersible cleverly disguised as a sidecar. As a member of V.E.N.O.M., he works to destabilize confidence in the government through the use of high-tech terror tactics.
A former Dreadnok, Rax knows all about mayhem and destruction. He rode with the 'Noks as a "Nomad" for several years. He made the wanted list in several states for a variety of felonies; assault, grand theft auto, and murder among them. Tired of what he saw as small-time criminal acts, he began looking for other outlets for his rage and anarchistic tendencies. During this search, he met Dr. Miles Mayhem, a former engineer for Trakker Technologies, who was let go from the company due to allegations of ethics violations. Mayhem saw great promise for the biker as an enforcer for his new organization, V.E.N.O.M.
Mayhem met with Rax several times and introduced him to several new recruits for his V.E.N.O.M. organization.
Cliff Dagger, a big brute of a man who received his engineering degree from M.I.T., served in the US Army in demolitions and was never taken seriously due to his large size and build.
Vanessa Warfield, a fiery redhead who hinted at having been a part of a secretive government agency.
Combined with Mayhem's vision, Rax was easily swayed to join. He quickly tossed his 'Nok patches and threw his support in with V.E.N.O.M.