His hair had long since fallen out, his glasses lost trying to escape the gaping maws of flesh-eating zombies. His old body growing weaker by the day. But still, he preaches. "The end times are upon us! The Lord has cast his judgment. The Gates of Hell have closed. Hell hath spillith over!" Spittle flies from the Reverend's mouth as he works himself into a frenzy of rage. Shaking his dirt-stained finger at the few people gathered in his church cowering in fear, fear of the undead, and fear of the Reverend. These people came here hoping for sanctuary. They are starving, thirsty, and close to death. They have spent the last seven years fighting day in and day out to survive. To not die. Now they quake under the glare of Reverend Meeker. He provides them just enough rations to stave off death. Just enough to make them dependent on him. Just enough to keep them under his influence. His roaring voice always drew the attention of the undead, bringing them banging on the doors until he chose to eliminate THEM. They have watched as, rifle in one hand, container in the other, he throws open the doors and lays waste upon those unclean filth that roam the ever-growing wastelands. "HE has cast judgment!" His finger jabs up towards the heavens, its cracked and yellow nail piercing the air. "JUDGEMENT!" He lifts the container that remains by his side at all times. Long ago he placed the creature in a more secure vessel, one worthy of containing the Lord's reckoning. The crowd gasps. No one knows what exactly the blob behind the glass is, what they do know is that it reacts to the Reverend's words. Violently. "Hell hath Spillith over! Perhaps now the Lord wants me to cleanse the planet. To disinfect it of this vile plague. To destroy the army of Satan! I alone can do it! I alone stand as the right hand of the one and only true God!"

The crowd gasps. No one knows what exactly the blob behind the glass is, what they do know is that it reacts to the Reverend's words. Violently. "Hell hath Spillith over! Perhaps now the Lord wants me to cleanse the planet. To disinfect it of this vile plague. To destroy the army of Satan! I alone can do it! I alone stand as the right hand of the one and only true God!"