Genie is one of the last remaining Djinn in existence, a mythical being believed to possess powers far beyond human comprehension. Legends suggest he is older than time itself, having witnessed the birth and evolution of countless stars and galaxies. Some tales even claim he can create entire universes with just a thought, shaping reality to match his whims.
Throughout history, stories of Genie were spread through every epoch and civilization, creating an indelible mark on the tapestry of time. He often appears in the most unlikely places amidst the bustling marketplaces of ancient cities, celestial gatherings, or even the dreams of those who dare to wish upon a star.
Despite his incredible abilities, Genie operates under a very specific set of rules regarding the wishes he grants. Unlike his fellow Djinn, who are bound to objects and prisoners to the rules, he is not restrained by obligation; instead, he relishes in the chaos that occurs from the wishes he chooses to grant. He takes great pleasure in watching the reactions of those who ask for a wish as their desires play out in unexpected and often dangerous ways.
He is a curious enigma, one to be avoided at all costs.