A man and his dog.
Inseparable even when the dead walk the Earth.
Rin Tin Tin went from a battlefield pup in WWI to a world-renowned cinema star. The sable-colored puppy with dark eyes was saved by then-serviceman Lee Duncan. The 5-day-old puppy was still nursing in a war-torn kennel. Duncan took the puppy stateside at the end of the war, and raised the puppy and his littermate Nénette in Los Angeles. Rin Tin Tin showed great aptitude and skill, reportedly able to jump over 11 feet. It was this ability that led Duncan to train Rin Tin Tin for films. The star of 23 movies Rin Tin Tin became a household name throughout his career in the 1920s and 30s. Despite his passing in 1932 the bloodline and name lived on.
The original Rin Tin Tin was an icon and was loved by children and adults around the world. As times changed Rin Tin Tin was replaced by rock and roll, video games, and reality television. Yet Rin Tin Tin persevered. The current Rin Tin Tin is owned by Duncan Smith, the great-grandchild of the original Lee Duncan. Neither ever knew the glory of being on set. They never walked the red carpet opening night to the cheers of adoring fans. They did however, continue the tradition of intense training. Several hours a day the duo would practice on an ever-changing obstacle course. The complicated course challenged the skills of both man and his best friend. What set Duncan apart from his predecessors was that he trained alongside his dog. He jumped through the hoops, climbed the ladders, spanned the rooftops, and did the running, never knowing that those skills would one day allow the pair to survive in a world upside down.
However, there came a time when the training changed. An accident left Duncan blind. It was then, that the training changed from exciting obstacle courses to the challenge of crossing the street, navigating crowded sidewalks, and surviving the daily grind. Despite the loss of his eyesight, life was good for Duncan and Rin Tin Tin. Then THEY came.
Duncan was awoken in the middle of the night by the relentless barking of Rin Tin Tin. To his chagrin, he couldn't get his four-legged companion to calm down. None of the commands worked. Then he heard the banging. On the door. The windows. From all around the house. Realizing something was terribly wrong, Duncan quickly got dressed. Rin Tin Tin returned to his side and stayed there, hackles raised, barking giving way to long, dark, angry growls. The world was black for Duncan, but he knew he could count on Rin Tin Tin to lead him down a path to safety.
They escaped the home due, in large part, to Rin Tin Tin's extensive training. The city was a death trap, so Duncan and Rin Tin Tin left for the countryside. As time passed and the number of the previously dead rose, Duncan felt the gloom of suicide daily, knowing that he was surviving solely due to his friend in a world gone wrong wore at him. He was certain Rin Tin Tin would be better off without him. Then…
"What is it, boy?" The dog's hackles raised. Over the past months, he has learned not to bark it only brings more of those horrid-smelling things. His subtle reaction brings his friend and master to his knees. His hand firmly grasping the dog's back, the man listens intently into the gloom. Teeth bared, Rinny, as Duncan called him, was at the ready. His nose told him it wasn't one of those things. But it wasn't anyone he knew either. He missed his friends. Now he had to protect his master.
-Snap- The lone twig brings Duncan's empty eyes to a singular spot in the brush. He knew this area wasn't going to be safe forever. They'd been here too long. He should have let Rinny go long ago. -Snap- another twig. The sounds grow louder. Rin Tin Tin tenses. "Easy, boy. We can still get out of here."
"You won't need to." The voice from out of the darkness startles Duncan and Rin Tin Tin. Rinny readies to attack. "Would you mind leashing that dog? Looks ready to rip my face off."
"No. Can't say I can."
"Can't or won't?"
"Both. Listen mister, you just go along your way, and there will be no problems. You move any closer, and well... Rinny here needs a new bone."
"Woah, now. No need for that. I don't mean you any harm. Just a fellow traveler like yourself."
"Like I said. Move along."
"Look, let me stay, and I can help you."
"I don't need any help." Rin Tin Tin reacts to Duncan's voice and the tension running through his hand. He pulls his lips back further. -Grrrrrrrrrrrr.- "Listen, mister, you better get out of here. Last chance." He begins to loosen his grip on the dog's scruff. Rinny reacts instinctively and begins to step forward.
The man raises his arms in defeat, "Okay, I'm leaving. Just thought you might be interested in seeing the world again." The man knows his words will strike a chord in the man before him. He's been following the pair for a week now. He's decided they are the perfect subjects. Normally, he would have subdued the pair with the help of his assigned squad, but now…
"What did you say?" A smile creeps across his face. He has them now.
"I said I can help you see."
"Calm your dog down, and let's discuss this over a can of beans."
Duncan leans into Rinny's ear. The dog lets out a small whimper. Duncan whispers something else. Rinny reluctantly lies down. His eyes were still fixed on the bald man before him. Over the next hour, the men talk. Of lives past. Of battles won. And lost. Finally. "So… How'd you know?"
"Honestly, I've been following you. Been watching the way you and your dog work together." The dog keeps his eyes fixed on the man. He doesn't like him. He doesn't smell right. "I have a laboratory not too far from here. Before this began, I was a specialist in optics. While some doctors were overcharging for Lasik surgeries, I was leading the way in optic implants. Restoring vision to those in the dark."
"And you say you can help me?"
"Oh yes."
"Okay, well, tell me about it. Dr…?"
"Binder. Dr. Brian Binder."
Duncan and Rin Tin Tin roam the wastelands of the United States. Tales of the duos' daring feats and adventures are told to children inspiring hope. It's said the two share optic nerve implants allowing each to see through the eyes of the other. Duncan has said he uses this to "see" what Tin sees while on scouting missions.