This guy has lost it. Completely. He was some sort of billionaire entrepreneur before all hell broke loose. Lived in a mansion up on a hill. Had a whole staff to take care of him; butler, maids, private doctor and nurses, grounds staff, the whole kit, and caboodle. Well, after the dead started walking, people stopped coming to work. It wouldn't have been a big deal, except that his nurse stopped showing up. That meant no meds.
The guy was crazy. More personality disorders than those that have been recorded. The guy… Well…
Do you remember watching cartoons in the '90s? There was that one cartoon Darkwing Duck. A duck who was a crime fighter. He was a spoof of The Batman. Some producers thought it would be a way to normalize a guy running around dressed like a bat, by dressing up a cartoon character as a duck. Anyway, this guy did. Watch the cartoon that is. He must have loved it something fierce.
Because when his mind finally snapped, do you know what role he took on? Yeah, Darkwing Duck. Guy thinks he's a duck superhero fighting crime. Hallucinates having a kid partner and everything. Do you want to know the scariest part? For an old guy who has lost it, he's damn near unstoppable. He's taken on swarms and walked away. If his condition wasn't so sad and unstable, we'd hire him to work for us. We're not sure if it's the hallucinations or something else that keeps him going.
We have no idea where he got his "Duck Gun" or any of the other gadgets he carries. There's some speculation that maybe he had an R&D company before the shit. Others think he found a Stark or Wayne Enterprises cache. But it's all speculation.
All survivor statements say the same thing. He shows up out of nowhere, takes out the undead, then leaves. All while babbling and mumbling about Negaduck's ruthless plans.
The point being, he's a good guy. He's sick, there is no doubt about that, but he's never hurt an innocent person. We've all got our fingers crossed that it stays that way.

This is a figure I've always wanted to revisit and update. I've never liked how high the hat sits on the head or how young the face looks. One day I'll dig it out and fix it.
This was inspired by a custom build by someone on Joecustoms, DanoftheDead
See his awesome work here: