When Federal Agents stormed the Bat Cave, located deep under Wayne Manner, Tony Stark was killed, and with him, his alter ego Iron Man. However, neither Bruce Wayne nor The Batman was apprehended. After nearly a year without a single sighting of The Batman and with their hands full with THEM, the government gave up their search for Public Enemy #1. That is when The Batman... came back.
Wearing an advanced armor, with marked similarities to one of Iron Man's many suits The Batman took back the night only not in Gotham. He has been sighted in every former major city and current survivor settlement from Florida to Maine. It is said that The Batman sweeps in whenever survivors are under siege and quickly and efficiently eradicates the threat.
His suit appears to integrate multiple types of cloaking and stealth technologies. The Batman seems to rely on hand-to-hand weapons, namely two short swords. Reports say that he can also shoot high-velocity projectiles from the wrist gauntlets. Investigation and autopsies of The Batman's undead victims show signs of entry wounds; however, no projectile has as of yet been retrieved.
The Batman is not to be engaged. His 100% success rate has made the upper brass turn a blind eye to his actions. However, rest assured, once the threat from the undead has been eliminated, so too will The Batman.