"The rumors? Oh, you mean that he turned." The interviewee's gaze drifts into the horizon, searching for a truth beyond reach. "I don't know anything about that. If he did, I haven't seen him. If he didn't, and he's still out there somewhere..." He kicks a rock and watches it skitter across the hard, cracked earth, "...well, there'll be hell to pay, that's for sure."
Even before The End Of The World As We Know It, Snake Eyes was legendary amongst the SpecOps community, a name whispered in reverence and fear. He was the Joe Team's go-to infiltration expert, a ghost that could slip through the tightest security and leave no sign of his presence. Whenever a high-stakes operation required a discreet entrance and exit, it was Snake Eyes they called upon. He was a silent phantom who could open the gates for a more significant force to enter.
Snake Eyes didn't just do work for the military. The alphabet soup of governmental agencies often relied upon Snake Eyes for missions requiring a deadly touch, executed with flawless precision and without evidence.
While most of the G.I. Joe team thought he disappeared into the wilderness to commune with nature or hone his skills, Hawk knew the truth about the wet work and covert missions.
Having dedicated nearly his entire life to military service, Snake Eye's disappearance so early in the ZomPoc left many with questions and few with answers. An expert in hand-to-hand combat as well as highly proficient with firearms and edged weapons, the very idea of him becoming infected was unthinkable.
Tales of Snake Eyes travel through the arid expanse of the wastes, swirling like dust in the wind, yet there hasn't been a confirmed sighting of the mysterious and silent Joe in years. Still, the legends only seem to grow.
In the eerier landscape of the post-ZomPoc world, Snake Eyes has transformed into an Urban Legend, a chilling Boogie Man lurking in the shadows. Some paint him as a mindless zombie roaming the desolate remnants of civilization. Others claim he has become a vengeful spirit, exacting retribution and revenge on those who prey on the innocent.
Whatever his fate, the new Joe Team could desperately use his expertise.