In the beginning, it was a simple task. My boat would float with the motor barely skimming the water, giving the illusion that I was stranded. It was always just a matter of time before some amateur pirate came along, thinking they could steal from me.
The look of disbelief on their faces when they realized the truth was priceless. They would quickly realize my crew was heavily armed and well-trained in the capturing and overtaking of other ships. We took what we needed and left behind what could ensure their survival unless they put up a fight, which most didn't. Our final act was to disable their engines temporarily, allowing us to make a clean getaway. But that was then.
Now, as I look around at my crew, I see individuals from various walks of life - men, women, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and civilians. Some were rescued from the brink of death on abandoned vessels, while others were saved from the clutches of the undead by the life jackets they had the wisdom to wear. Some even requested to join us after we took control of their small boats. Each person is now a seasoned sailor. They've dubbed themselves the Scurvy Dogs, and they call me Admiral. But I know I am far from fitting that noble title. Admirals are known for their bravery, leadership, and integrity, like Admiral Keel Haul. Those are qualities I have lost long ago.
No, I'm no Admiral. Hell, I'm not even an Officer. Never was. CPO. Chief Petty Officer is the highest I ever earned. CPO Delgado, and I have that titled with a sense of conflicted pride.
Once a Joe.
Now the most feared pirate on the seven seas.