A feared unscrupulous assassin who would take a contract from one person only to accept the counteroffer from the target, thus killing both parties, he requires half payment upfront in cash, with the second half to be transferred electronically once the job is complete. It's thought that he has created a trojan horse that attaches itself once the transfer is scheduled and makes the transfer even if the employer is eliminated.
Fantome continues to ply his trade for the highest bidders throughout Europe. He's fast becoming a pain in the ass for the Monarchy. Several high-profile assassinations have been attributed to him since the end began including, several from the House of Lords, the Prime Minister, and even the Pope. How he achieved that we'd like to know, we've been trying for decades and have always failed.
Transcription of Internal Communique between Acting Prime Minister and Colonel Darklon, head of London Iron Grenadier Security Forces:
It was him again. Fantome. He struck just as security was changing shifts. The location had been secured by the Night Men just a week prior. We established a perimeter after clearing the area, following all the standard protocols. While we are only talking about a few blocks in London, as you well know they are important blocks.
The Crown Jewels, at least that's what we told the tourists, were on display a few miles away. They have always been replicas, cut glass, and cheap stones. People can't tell the difference especially if they've never seen the real thing. In reality deep under this group of flats, Owned by the Crown, were the real thing. In fact, all of the most glorious pieces that had come into the possession of the Crown over the decades were housed here. Things that were spoken of in whispers and hushed tones, the things of legend. They were here.
The plan was supposed to be simple; the Night Men would clear the area. We would come in and move the articles to a more secure location. All was going according to plan. As I stated earlier the Night Men did their job superbly, they are a blessing to the Crown during this cursed hell storm. After they eliminated any immediate threats our men secured the area without incident. We began moving materials. Then he came...
Our surveillance systems were somehow rendered useless. What we were able to gather came solely from the men who survived. We've pieced together that during the early morning hours, we had a shift change. These are not posted or scheduled, they happen randomly at my command and discretion to prevent any patterns from forming, thus preventing holes in the system. Now the way a shift change works is the guard on duty is relieved, no pomp and circumstance, their relief just shows up and they pass the torch so to speak. This night was no different except that as the change was happening someone stepped out of the shadows. What ensued resulted in the death of one man. The other… The doctors are unsure... he sustained major injuries. He was able to tell us an accounting thanks to the M.A.R.S. designed body armor he was issued. The doctors have induced a coma. They are cautiously optimistic. It is sad to say that his service to the Queen is over regardless of the outcome.
What did he take? Only one item. An item of immense power. A power that it has gained through the stories that have been told about it for countless generations. Something that Hitler once wished to possess.
The item.
The Spear of Destiny.
That's correct. The spear that pierced the side of Christ. It is now in the hands of Fantome. Or whoever paid him to retrieve it.
It's powers? The Queen seemed to have wanted to ensure that only a handful of people knew of the existence of the items in The Collection. Never mind what they may have been capable of. The lead scientist responsible for testing the various claims attributed to the various items was… Killed during the first wave. With his death, a host of highly valuable information was forever lost. You see as a failsafe Her Majesty had standing orders in place that should any of those responsible for The Collection go missing or die under unusual circumstances, all records were to be destroyed. A bit extreme, I must say. Who is to say what item may have been used to save humanity during these dark times?
Yes, the Spear, of course. I can say it's powerful. In what way? I can't say. Now it's in the hands of Fantome. I assure you no good can come of it.