From the PRIVATE files of Dr. Mindbender
Compound X and Compound Y test results:
Nemesis Enforcer Project
The 24th and 25th attempts have shown promising results. Eschewing the previous methods of injecting the compounds into volunteers, I took it upon myself to secure developing embryos. Two of the three triplets for Compound X and the third of the triplets for Compound Y. I combined the formulas directly with their DNA, and the results have been nothing short of remarkable.
Compound X Subjects: “Gor Si” and “Gor Sa”
The subjects “Gor Si” and “Gor Sa,” named after the Swedish version of the game Simon Says due to their devout loyalty to the subject, “Simon,” have developed rapidly. They are intimidating to look at: standing over 7 feet tall with mottled grey skin, Compound X coursing through their veins and having made its own pathways of distribution, adorned in primitive jewelry and attire. They show comprehension of my instructions and follow simple commands to the letter.
Subjects developed as Monozygotic twins and display the uncanny ability to sense the needs of the other.

Compound Y Subject: “Simon”
Subject “Simon,” although genetically identical to his brothers when chosen, shares only the mottled skin of his brothers. Genetic testing shows that his DNA mutated when combined with Compound Y. He has developed to be much larger than his brothers and shows a higher level of cognitive function. He has developed the unsettling behavior of cannibalizing any souls unfortunate enough to get within his reach. He has taught this act to his brothers, who seem to enjoy the act of eating human flesh as much as “Simon.”
Reactions to stimulants: Pain:
When confronted with pain, “Gor Si” and “Gor Sa” display apathy responding only when either; the pain being inflicted is repetitive or when ordered by “Simon.” Subject “Simon” is more immediate in his actions and shows far greater loathing towards those inflicting pain, acting out in a highly violent fashion.

All three subjects lack the cognitive abilities to utilize firearms or machinery however they excel with primitive weapons. I tasked Farrier with creating primitive weapons with modern metals, and he did not disappoint. The subjects can use their various swords, axes, clubs, and other primitive weapons with accuracy and ferocity.
I am confident that my next trial, Compound Z, shall provide the results the Commander demands, unstoppable killing machines. Cobra shall soon have its own army of Super Soldiers.